Out the Comet's Ass

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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Verb-age and Key Phrases

The Verbs. When learning foreign languages you automatically are taught the most common ones. I am...I have...I eat..

So, I realized that "I am" equals the Aries key phrase and "I have" equals the Taurus key phrase. I wondered if the rest of the most frequently used verbs would match the Key Phrases for the rest of the signs. It seems that you can probably tell a lot about a culture according to which verbs its people use frequently.

First, here are the Signs and their Key Phrases.

Aries = I am
Taurus = I have
Gemini = I think
Cancer = I feel
Leo = I will
Virgo = I analyze
Libra = I balance
Scorpio = I desire
Sagittarius = I understand
Capricorn = I utilize
Aquarius = I know
Pisces = I believe

Here's a list of the 25 most frequently used verbs in the English language.

Be (Aries)
Have (Taurus)
Know (Aquarius)
Think (Gemini)
Want (Scorpio)
Use (Capricorn)
Seem (Pisces?)
Feel (Cancer)

Turns out they're all monosyllables and 20 of them have been retained from Old English. That's a shocker because the Romans tried to kill off anything English back in the 1st millenium. Ay, hardy stock we are. And we really do all talk and think like Dick and Jane. Almost all the most common words are pronouns and conjunctions, words without meaning. It's interesting that among English speakers "To Know" is used more than "To Think." We're all a bunch of conceited airheads, no wonder we've burnt up the earth. It's interesting how "I want" is still down low on the lists (except for the Germans place it pretty high up, along with must, should and could. No wonder they invented psychotherapy).

It would be interesting to see if the Middle Easterners who created the Signs use their Key Phrase verbs more in their everyday life. It would also be extremely interesting to compare Native American languages (actually, I did a quick search and found this: http://www.enformy.com/dma-b.htm. Scroll down to the section where it discusses how a Native American uses mostly verbs, they don't think in terms of "Nouns" but in terms of "Forces.").

Just for reference, here are the most common French and German Verbs:


etre (to be)
avoir (to have)
faire (to make)
dire (to say)
aller (to go)
voir (to see)
savoir (to know)
pouvoir (to be able to)
falloir (to be necessary)
vouloir (to want)


sein (to be)
haben (to have)
werden (to become)
konnen (to be able, can)
mussen (to have to, must)
wollen (to want)
mogen (to like (to))
wissen (to know)
machen (to make,do)
sollen (should, ought to, supposed to)
heissen (to be called, named)
tied w/sagen (to say, tell)
gehen (to go)
sehen (to see)
geben (to give)
commen (to come)
lassen (to find)
bleiben (to stay, remain)
mehmem (to take)
bringen (to bring)

P.S. Except for the English list which is from the Concise Oxford English Dictionary, I didn't write down where I got these lists from. I just Googled: "most common verbs" with the language.



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