Out the Comet's Ass

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Sunday, February 03, 2008

The Aries Ingressesssesssss, 2008

While reminding myself once again that the Mars-Pluto opposition is not anywhere near finishing I located a cruddy chart. I mean, really cruddy, except for losers and artists. It's the Aries Ingress chart for this year.

Aries Ingress
Mar. 20, 2008 5:48 UT (or close to that)

The Ingresses are the Ingresses just because that's when the Sun is most angular. The Sun here is right on the first degree of the Zodiac. In the London Chart, the Sun is also in the 1st House, angular. And it's only aspects are the squares that it makes as apex to the Mars-Pluto opposition. Mars is in the 4th House where it's always a Bull in a China Cabinet and Pluto is up in the 10th House trying to control everything. That's a total too many Cooks spoil the broth type aspect.

Pisces Rises in this chart and Ruler Neptune is in the 12th House so there's sure to be some poison added to that broth. Actually, Neptune and Saturn are about to continue on with one widely orbed version of last years' opposition. If you weren't a total victim at that point, expect to get a kick now.

The next day, the Moon will move into Libra in order to make a Grand Cardinal Square right pretty dang close to the Aries Points for my tastes. Then the next day, the Mars-Pluto opposition will finally end. I wonder if anything or anybody will be left alive. My ex-stepmother will probably become President.

Boy, I really need for this Mars-Pluto opposition to be over. I can't possibly get anymore forks to form on my tongue at this point.

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