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Saturday, June 23, 2007

Circadian Rhythms

Well. Well. Well. The Scientists are finally comin' round to the Astrologers' way of thinkin'. The "Clocks & Rhythms" symposium held earlier this month in New York investigating the biological side of cycles.

Here's a link to a USA Today (blush) article on Circadian Rhythms as discussed at this conference: http://www.usatoday.com/tech/science/2007-06-18-circadian-rhythms_N.htm

Circadian Rhythms are "mental and physical changes in characteristics such as temperature, alertness and hormones that take place over the course of a day. Circadian is a Latin term that describes a cycle roughly 24 hours long." According to the article the body temperature is at its lowest between 2 and 4 am. Could one attribute this to the point at which the Sun is below the Horizon, in the 2d house? Very Interesting. Taurus' House, A Resource House. I guess that's the time when all good Bankers are dreaming about counting gold coins in their sleep. I do know that when I was playing music this was my favorite time to practice. And I've heard other musicians, artists, and meditators say the same thing. And I also read that this is when the Windows Operating program creeps onto your computer and fixes everything. So, sleep tight. Don't let the spyware bite. And enjoy the article.



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