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Friday, June 15, 2007

Problem Solving Skills By Sign - Stupid Exercise

Here's a game to determine how the different signs deal with Problem Solving. It's inspired by an old Capricorn friend who thought that all problems in life could be solved. She was in school to become a therapist so she could solve other people's problems as well. I think some problems can be solved and others must just be accepted and some must be avoided. People are different and have different attitudes. So, here's the game.

First, I began to separate out how the different qualities approach a problem:

Cardinal Signs ask: What can we do to FIX the problem?
Fixed Signs ask: What can we do to CHANGE the problem?
Mutable Signs ask: What can we do to TOLERATE the problem?

"Fix", "Change" and "Tolerate" are the Keywords I came up with.

Then I used a basic keyword for each of the Elements. You will notice that I mention how the quality of this keyword is used in excess so that it actually becomes a problem.

Fire: Too Idealistic
Earth: Too Realistic
Air: Too Intellectual
Water: Too Emotional

So, I mixed the two together to come up with vague statements about how each sign approaches problems:

Aries: Cardinal-Fire. Using Idealism to Fix the problem. (forging ahead through Hell or High Water)
Taurus: Fixed-Earth. Using Reality to Change the problem. (going in the direction that works, ignoring the rest)
Gemini: Mutable-Air. Using Intellect to tolerate the problem. (keeping all your options open)
Cancer: Cardinal-Water. Using Feelings to Fix the problem. (just feed em and they'll shut up)
Leo: Fixed-Fire. Using Idealism to Change the problem. (Circus)
Virgo: Mutable-Earth. Using Reality to Tolerate the problem. (turn them into daily rituals)
Libra: Cardinal-Air. Using Intellect to Fix the problem. (talk it out through diplomacy)
Scorpio: Fixed-Water. Using Feelings to Change the problem. (Attack those problems head-on and transform them)
Sagittarius: Mutable-Fire. Using Idealism to tolerate the problem. (Religious fervor and reverence)
Capricorn: Cardinal-Earth. Using Realism to Fix the problem. (just fix it, for Christ's sake!)
Aquarius: Fixed-Air. Using Intellect to Change the problem. (develop a new attitude to replace outmoded ones)
Pisces: Mutable-Water. Using Feelings to tolerate the problem. (send your feelings out into the Universe with Love).


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