Out the Comet's Ass

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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Sylvan Tomkins

I've briefly talked about the writer Malcolm Gladwell. Mostly I was talking about the Virgo-ness of the topics of his books, The Tipping Point and Blink. Well, I finally got an audiobook version of Blink because it was remaindered at Borders. It was so good I managed to drive down to Palm Springs and back so that I didn't have to get out of the car. Now something's wrong with my car. I must have been blinking too much while I was driving.

Anyway, where was I, oh yeah. Blink discusses researchers's findings concerning the quickness of human perception. Often our perceptions are more accurate when based on first impressions. This isn't always true as in the case of police officers who tend to make stupid judgments about people while their adrenaline is running. That's what all these police brutality cases are about and the departments have found to make up rules that might help deter the rage thing. Anyway, other researchers have found that by watching a couple talk for just 10 or 15 minutes they can tell with 80 percent accuracy whether or not the relationship will last.

One interesting topic mentioned in the book is the face reading work of Paul Ekman. Paul Ekman has labeled human facial expressions according to muscle numbers on the face. He has learned how to discern a person's feelings by looking at facial expressions and he has figured out a way to teach these ideas to others. The guy who inspired him is really fascinating also. This is the guy whose chart I'm looking at because I couldn't find Ekman's birthdate.

This other guy, a psychologist who worked at Princeton, is Silvan Tomkins. Biographical information on him isn't easy to find but I did locate one story about Tomkins' first job. Can't remember what it was, but this job involved determining which horse would win a race at the track by looking at the expression on the horse's face. My Mother used to do the same thing so I know some people can do this. Even more amazing when they can get paid to do it. So. You can see, for a psychologist, Tomkins was a pretty cool guy. This also leads me to believe that Silvan Tomkins had a Scorpio Rising. These people have laser visions into the motives and behaviors of others, doesn't matter how many legs they stand on either.

Silvan Tomkins

b. June 4, 1911 Philadelphia, PA

Sun 13 Gemini; Moon 23 Virgo; NN 10 Taurus

Here the Sun and most likely the Moon placement are ruled by Mercury. Mercury is quick and observant. You might feel insulted by a Mercury person but you won't really feel judged. They just point out your faults and move on to other topics, no doomsday motives really, although it still feels that way.

The North Node in Tomkins' chart is in Taurus, sign of the alphabet. He was able to "name" the feelings and emotions into a new vocabulary. I found a blog that explains his theories very well: http://neighborhoodofgod.blogspot.com/2007_06_01_archive.html.

Tomkins' Mercury was in Taurus as well conjunct Saturn. His thinking would have been much slower paced and methodical than his perceptions which are shown in the other inner planet aspects.

Tomkins' inner planets are each connected with a different outer planet energy. Mercury-Saturn is sort of a Scientist aspect, organized and determined. Venus here is conjunct its upper octave equivalent Neptune in the sign of Cancer. Desire plus empathy in the sign of the emotions, feelings. This would also account for "Psychic knowing." Mars here is square its upper octave equivalent, Pluto. Mars is at 1 Aries right on the Aries Point and it's a singleton in Fire. This is the inspiration point in the chart (my opinion) and explains Tomkins amazing ability to zero straight in what others were feeling. Mars also has rulership over "The Face." And it indicates little boys. Tomkins developed his theories by taking time off from work after his son was born and just watching his face react to the world.

The following is the list of Tomkins' 9 universal emotional affects as described in "The Neighborhood of God" link listed above. According to that blog Tomkins felt that the nerves of the face were tied to the emotional affects and came across even in a baby's face.

Interest to Excitement
Enjoyment to Joy
Surprise to Startle
Fear to Terror
Distress to Anguish
Anger to Rage
Dismmell (??) to Disgust
Shame to Humiliation

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