Out the Comet's Ass

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Monday, March 03, 2008

More Shootings

This never-ending Mars-Pluto opposition have worked more misery. Mars has not only been retrograding over the Gemini-Cancer cusp but it has been out-of-bounds. Add the emotional lunacy that can come with last month's Eclipses and everyone's losing it.

Two young men have been shot to death in the Mountain View, CA area. Mountain View is the headquarters of Google so this seems a bit out of place. The area used to be considered seedy and so there are still remnants of that but mostly it's a place where you can't buy a 2 bedroom shack for less than $600,000 due to the Tech Industry.

In case anyone is interested the information for the murders are:

Feb. 7, 2008,around 7:00pm. Jeffrey Johnson, Age 20 Shot in a parking lot. 3 Suspects have been identified and one has been apprehended.

A second shooting victim went to a local hospital for treatment around 7:30pm. Survived.

Feb. 26, 2008, 6:15pm, Mountain View, CA. Jose Merales, Age 17 shot.

It seems that maybe these Murders are related. They both happened around the same time at night so have early Virgo Rising with Saturn just passing over the Ascendant. Sagittarius is on the IC and Gemini is on the MC. These murders were committed on the streets and the shots were fired from cars which seems to represent the Gemini-Sagittarius axis.

The first shooting happened the day of the Solar Eclipse, just hours after it was exact. Saturn was opposing the Moon and both were hanging out over both the ASC-DESC axis and the Nodal Axis. Mercury rules both charts. Here it was retrograde in Aquarius in a stellium in the 6th-7th Houses in these charts. This heavy emphasis on the houses opposite the first shows that the behaviors were reactions to previous actions of others (whatever that means). They were socially motivated. It will be interesting to hopefully find out if these are completely unrelated murders.

Sometimes the first Eclipse will call for an answer response at the 2d Eclipse, or so I've been told. Here the 2d shooting happened 5 days after the Total Lunar Eclipse on the 21st. In this 2d shooting chart, Mercury was out of Retrograde and conjunct Venus still in the 6th House.

Pluto was in the 4th House opposing Mars in the 10th House. There's some issue concerning turf which leads to violence. The second chart has a Scorpio Moon in the 3d house so this also suggests a revenge motive, maybe over a sibling. In the 2d chart, Mercury is conjunct Venus to the degree so perhaps a female was involved. It's in the 6th House so I don't think that Romance is involved.

Mars rules the 8th House of Murder in both charts but the house is empty. Mars, of course, rules boys and aggression.

The stellium in Aquarius and Pisces might suggest gangs (groups) and drugs. But the Saturn opposition to the Moon and Sun right over the ASC & DESC which directly shows the Killer and Victim might indicate racial or cultural tensions. Of course, I'm saying this because I've seen that one person has a Hispanic name and the other one doesn't so my insight is not necessarily astrologically based.

Hopefully there will be news once the murders are solved which I'll try to post here. The police say they have located 3 suspects in the first shooting and have apprehended one.

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