Out the Comet's Ass

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Monday, May 12, 2008

7.9 Sichuan Earthquake in China (plus others)

The Death Toll from yesterday's massive Sichuan Earthquake in China is still climbing. I've quickly looked at the chart and have compared it to the chart of the last Massive earthquake in China that occurred back in 1976. Initially I read that 300,000 people perished in that earthquake but last night on the news the number given was 240,000.

The Chinese have had some incredible successes predicting earthquakes. (I talked about one here: http://outthecometsass.blogspot.com/2008/04/earthquake-that-china-predicted.html.) Wikipedia says that the 1976 earthquake was predicted by scientist Wang Chengmin but I can't find anymore information. Another successful earthquake was predicted, Nov. 29, 1999 in Gushan-Pianling. Water levels and animal behaviors play a big factor in Earthquake prediction.

Similarities I found in both charts are very striking. The Nodal Axis isn't on the Angles, is more just past them in H6-H12 in both cases. But the Nodal Axis is otherwise very strongly lined up with Sun, Moon, Saturn and others. California earthquakes tend to bring in Uranian & Mars influences a lot more. Maybe Earthquakes that happen inland rely on planetary influences that will affect the Tides like Sun-Moon relationship with Nodes and Saturn-Neptune while Earthquakes that happen in the Ocean and near the Coast rely on Mars-Uranus. And, well, the Moon and Pluto will always be there...:

  • Pluto in 4th House, massive destruction.
  • Nodes, Sun, Moon in Fixed Signs. Leo Moon in both charts.
  • The Sun is squaring the Nodes in both cases.
  • The Moon is conjunct Saturn in both cases.
  • The Moon is aspecting the Nodes in both cases. (It is conjunct the Sun (and stellium) and squaring the Nodes in the 1976 earthquake chart; it is conjunct to the degree the South Node of yesterday's chart.)
  • Chiron conjunct the Nodes. NN yesterday's quake. SN in 1976 quake (with Uranus conjunct NN).
  • Saturn is in aspect to Neptune.

Here are the particulars I found of each quake. (Hope I've got my info right.)

7.9 Sichuan Earthquake, 2008

May 12, 2008 2:28 pm local time 60 m. NW of Chengdu

Sun 22 Taurus; ASC 14 Virgo; Moon 24 Leo; MC 14 Gemini; NN 24 Aquarius

1st Quarter Moon 24 Leo
  • Mercury's presence is extremely strong in this chart. It rules both the ASC and MC and is conjunct the MC to the degree. Mercury is unaspected and out-of-bounds. Children in a school were killed when the roof fell in. The Panda Bear breeding center is very close to the epicenter and no one so far knows what the damage there was (and I don't know rulership of Panda Bears).
  • Angular Planets: H1 empty; H4 Pluto; M7 Uranus; H10 Mercury
  • Only aspect to Mars 2 Leo is an inconjunct to Pluto. Mars is in H11.
  • Nodes aren't on angles. Sun square Nodal Axis. Moon conjunct SN to the degree, conjunct Saturn in H12. Neptune conjunct NN with one degree orb; also conjunct Chiron; in H6.

7.8 Tangshan Earthquake, 1976, about 250,000 dead

July 28, 1976 3:42 am (July 27, 19:42 UTC) Tangshan, China

Sun 5 Leo; ASC 17 Cancer; Moon 15 Leo; NN 9 Scorpio; MC 28 Pisces

  • New Moon.
  • Massive Stellium in Leo (Sun, Saturn, Moon, Venus, Mercury) squaring Nodes, Uranus, Chiron. H2 cusp squaring H5 and H11 cusps.
  • Angles: H1 Sun; H4 Pluto and Uranus; H7 empty; H10 Chiron
  • Nothing out of bounds
  • Jupiter unaspected 27 Taurus, H11
  • Mars 13 Virgo (H3), only aspect is to Neptune 12 Sagittarius (H5, right on H6 cusp), ruler of MC



Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a wonderful reading, thank you

2:08 AM  
Blogger Out The Comet's Ass said...

You're welcome, anonymous. Thank you for your comment.

2:50 PM  

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