Out the Comet's Ass

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Monday, February 16, 2009

Link to Liz Greene's Article

Everyone's probably already read this article by now but I'm going to link to it anyway. Over at Astro.com Liz Greene has published a lecture she gave called "How We View Life Is How We Read Charts." Right off the bat she quotes Rupert Alberti. I found Alberti's book on Cycles which was recommended in Robert Blaschke's book. It's one of the few astrology books which seems genuinely open-hearted and spiritual to me (so I recommend that as well). At any rate, I'm so relieved that a real, true to life and super fantastic astrologer is commenting on how chart readings change (and stay the same) between astrologers and also between cultures and eras.

Turns out that a Roman guy from the turn of the Millenium named Vettius Valens could have predicted Princess Diana's fatal car crash through her Moon and not through her Mars. And Howard Sasportas could have predicted it, but in a kindly sort of a way without using the actual word "Danger" which is what I like 20th century astrologers so much for. Greene explains why using the word "Danger" is forbidden in Modern Astrology. I appreciate being given this information as I was beginning to wonder why. She could also add that there is a definite trend for astrologers to come from very safe, middle classy types of upbringings these days. And this sense of denial about the dark side is finally confronted. The Elephants in the rooms at Astrology Meetings tend to be humungous. For Americans the reason for this is probably just an outgrowth of growing up Pluto in Leo/Virgo in the Mid-West in a middle class stupor. If it isn't seen on TV, it simply doesn't exist... Good Luck trying to write an article on Astrology about growing up in a Divorced family in a way that won't attract every evil step-mother and repressive, guilty parent and psychologist on earth...

It's nice to see that an Astrologer will acknowledge these differences and place them in perspective with each other . So tired of American Astrologers who are under pressure to think of themselves as the Second Coming. Their conversation is lousy. Those halos are simply blinding.




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