Out the Comet's Ass

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Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Pluto and Jupiter in Capricorn / Old Grey

Don't know how to spell Gray. Is it Grey or is it Gray?

I know that every yar Designers try to push a color or a whole palette of colors as part of their trend setting, marketing, job security thing. And, since hanging out a lot on the knitting blogs I know that last year the Fashion World tried to push Yellow. I don't know if this went over very well. Seems like somebody maybe made that decision before they knew the Stock Market would tank.

Curious thing is that Yellow is my favorite color usually and last year I wasn't into it at all. What I was attracted to was the Color Gray(sic); especially a very light, fog-like grey(sic). Before Pluto moved into Capricorn I was wondering if grey(sic) hair would suddenly become a big fashion statement, kind of like it was back in the days of Marie Antoinette. A sort of fashion statement on sophistication. I thought the younger set would start wearing gray(sic) wigs. The lady who cut my hair said that she has noticed that older people are letting their gray(sic) hair grow out.

Well, it turns out the entire Fashion World is really attracted to gray(sic) these days. Maybe they are still pushing Yellow, or whatever other color they have moved on to, but they are all wearing gray (sic). It might be a result of the hard Economic times and the serious take on Reality and all. Capricorn is Wise, Old and Conservative. Pluto has just moved in and Jupiter is about to. Gray(sic) is a neutral and a classic. If you have grey(sic) clothes you can expect to own them for a very long time, probably about the amount of time that it will take for Pluto to move through Capricorn.


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