Out the Comet's Ass

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Saturday, April 05, 2008

The Fixed Signs and Men's Brains

Here's a link to an article called "Money, Sex Link Found in Brain: Study looks at Male Risk-Taking" by Seth Borenstein:


True to Astrological Theory that says that if one House is triggered then all the other houses in the same Quality (Cardinal, Fixed or Mutable) can be triggered. This study says that men whose brains were scanned showed a higher Risk-Taking (5th House, 11th House) behavior with their Money (2d House, 8th House) when aroused Sexually (8th House, baby). These are the Fixed Signs that together rule "Resources."

I've said this before: When the Stock Market opens at 9:30 am in New York, the Sun is always in the 11th House (Risk, Independence, Entrepreneurs). When the Stock Market closes at 4 pm the Sun is always in the 8th House (Other people's money, Sex). The Investors in the Days of Yore knew what they were doing by starting the day off late. If the Stock Market were to open at 8 am the Sun would be in the 12th House which is the last sign of the Zodiac, sensitive, ethereal, and a bit lost. The Market would crash immediately. This is actually what happens on West Coast time.

Women weren't tested because the Researchers couldn't think up a picture of a man that would be mutually stimulating to 15 different women in order to complete the scans. At's right, Girls. Keep em guessing....

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