Out the Comet's Ass

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Friday, April 18, 2008

Gene Simmon's Tongue

This is not in keeping with my promise to myself that I won't discuss people I don't like or can't stand but I'm going to attempt herewith to explain why the Hell Kiss Rocker Gene Simmons has such a God-Damned long tongue. He just stuck that thing out on some TV show I was watching the other night and I had nightmares all night (not all were necessarily bad nightmare either which is even scarier).

Gene Simmons

b. Aug. 25, 1949 8:55 PM Haifa, Israel

Sun 3 Virgo; ASC 12 Aries; Moon 25 Virgo; MC 7 Capricorn; NN 19 Aries

Wow, at first look it's kind of difficult to explain this. The guy is a double Virgo. He actually has 5 planets in the 6th House (Virgo's House) as well. I've read that Earth Signs have a strong liking for Rock Music so I suppose this fits well with his profession, but let's face it, if Simmons came to you for a reading you'd tell him to go into computers. I've seen Astrologers do this to the poor Double Virgos many a time. The Virgo also suggests an insecure, perhaps cold nature with loveability issues. Business and making money is probably much easier for him, he probably sees things in terms of their marketability long before he sees them for their loveability. (I can't spell loveability, is it even a real word, oh well, p. Venus Rx, what do I know?)

Simmon's chart shape is difficult to determine. All the planets are held within a wide bowl shape bounded by Uranus in Cancer and Jupiter in Capricorn. But, the rest of his planets are contained down in the lower right hand side of the chart between the IC/Uranus and Neptune/DESC with Jupiter acting maybe as a Handle to all this energy up in the 10th House in Capricorn/Career/Parents. Rock Star Introvert with cruddy childhood hiding behind that outfit, interesting.

So, now, what about that tongue? According to Rex Bills, the Tongue is ruled by Venus and Mercury. Venus in Simmons chart is in its own sign of Libra, not of Taurus. It is conjunct the South Node and Descendant. Probably some creepy past life story about how his tongue was cut out in a previous life. Bleh. Simmon's Mercury is in Virgo conjunct his Moon in the 6th House. Gawd, I'm getting another bad past life image of Simmon's as a cow getting his tongue cut out while still alive. Could also have been a woman being silenced into servitude.

Enough about Past Life visions. I don't indulge myself often in these, only for Rock Stars because they're sort of asking for it.

The Ascendant rules the person's appearance. Here it is Aries with a conjunction from the North Node and Lilith. There's going to be aggressiveness, even rudeness and vengefulness, but a whole lot of energy to the physical body. The Midheaven rules what a person is known for. Here it is represented by Capricorn, sign of ambition, Father, God and the Devil. Purty dang good for the Astrobabble, huh? Simmons is known as a "Tongue wagging demon." (There are kind interpretations for these aspects as well, but we're looking for an explanation for that thing that hangs out of Gene Simmon's mouth).

I think the tongue question begins to find an answer through Jupiter as Jupiter rules Largeness in Size. Jupiter is up there in the 10th house which shows what you're known for. Who cared what Simmons was singing? People don't pay all that money to listen to I-V-I chord progressions all night, after all. Jupiter's influence here is magnified by it's opposition to the chart ruler, Mars in Cancer. This brings a great ability for exaggeration and flamboyance. He pushes the limits in his behavior. The Discerning Virgo planets really know how to channel this stuff.

I checked Rex Bills for what might rule Length. He gives "lengthening" to Uranus in parenthesis, almost as if he knew that Gene Simmons would show up someday. Uranus is opposing Simmons' Midheaven (again, what you're known for). Uranus squares Simmons' Ascendant (appearance) and also squares his Nodal Axis-Descendant and Venus & Neptune. It's almost as if the weirder he acts the more alluring he is. It would make sense if a person who has a strong connection between the Rising Sign and the Nodal Axis can make it through life fairly easily just through their personality.

So, did Simmons have Plastic Surgery on that thing or what? Well, Mars rules Surgery and it rules the Ascendant. I assume that Pluto rules Plastic Surgery and Simmons' Pluto trines his Ascendant. So, the indicators are there for a successful surgery at any rate. With Mars in Cancer in the 4th house, though, I tend to think that this is a Genetic trait. I tend to think that if Simmons were going to go to the Plastic Surgeon and ask to have something like that done he would have asked for one that was forked.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I saw the same program.I too am repulsed by that guy,(he looks like his feet stink).My residual thought after the program was that he should look into a tongue scraper.If you are going to show off your tongue,it should at least be free of that slimy yellowish coating it was sporting that night.

5:11 AM  
Blogger Diane L said...

LOL!!! Thanks for a good laugh!! The comment about dreams really cracked me up! His tongue creeps me out too . . .

Just a side note one the subject. I was born "tongue tied" and the doctor actually clipped the thin tissue under my tongue (I was a baby, so don't recall it). And I have Mars/Mercury in Scorpio conjunct my ASC, inconjunct Uranus in Gemini. Also my Venus is in Sagittarius in the first, trine to Saturn. Does seem to follow your ideas here . . . :-D

8:45 AM  
Blogger Out The Comet's Ass said...

Thanks for your comments, you guys.

Anonymous, it looked to me like he's scraped all his taste buds off. ew.

Neith, that's really interesting about your tongue. I've never heard of that condition. Mercury and Venus in the first, or at least conjunct the ASC sure does follow the rulership! Mars and Scorpio equals surgery?

My Mother had Mercury c. Jupiter c. Scorpio ASC and Venus in Sagittarius (c. Sun) in the 1st! She was definitely the reason why I'm into Astrology. She could guess people's signs.

1:09 PM  

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