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Saturday, June 14, 2008

Cyberspace: The World Beyond Capricorn?

Mirror Mirror on the Wall. Who's the Weirdest One of All?

Answer: You, when you communicate with others on the Internet.

According to this New Scientist link,


people interacting on the Internet defy all the statistics of normal human behavior. Capricorn represents Human Behavior at its most ideal for culture building. So what do the last two signs, Aquarius and Pisces do? Well, there's the usual interpretations like Uranus rules Eccentrics and Pisces rules Wandering Souls (along with lots of other interpretations).

The true Eccentrics are ruled by Aquarius, but, sorry, I don't think that Uranus can do this all on his lonesome. I think the Uranus-Neptune mutual reception is responsible for what the Statisticians are finding about human behavior on the Internet.
T'S official: there is no such thing as normal behaviour on the internet.

Mark Meiss and colleagues at Indiana University in Bloomington collected statistical data on hundreds of millions of online connections involving people exchanging emails, sharing files or just browsing the web. They found extreme variations in user behaviour - for example, in the number of people a user tended to interact with. The spread of results was utterly unlike the normal bell curve of statistics, produced when most data points are clustered around a central value, with few points at the "tails" of the curve.

The team hope their findings will inspire better models of online behaviour, which could help improve network security (Journal of Physics A, DOI: 10.1088/1751-8113/41/22/224022).



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