Out the Comet's Ass

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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Plotting Like Rabbits

In Gloucester, Massachusetts a bunch of the local high school girls, 17 at last count, is Pregnant. All at the same time. This is something like 3 times more than the usual amount. Some authorities say this is a result of a Pact the girls made to get pregnant so they could raise their children together. A Pregnancy Pact. Well, this is better than a Suicide Pact, isn't it?

The CDC says that there was a 3 percent rise in teenage pregnancies last year that may be just some sort of inexplicable blip. It does match last year's transits. Can you imagine being a teenager while both Jupiter and Pluto are in Sagittarius? Kids at that age are already terrorizing the World with their Opinions, a Sagittarius keyword. Kids that age know what's right, not what's wrong. And then there's the firey, party aspect of Sagittarius. Remember when Miss America and Miss Teenage America were reprimanded for dancing on the tables of the bars in New York City? Atsa Saggy. Just ask Brittany.

So both planets moved into Capricorn, sign of Aging, and suddenly we're all grown up now.

Time Magazine said that a social worker or administrator at the school said that the girls were suffering from alienation and loneliness in their lives and were just looking for something to love. Now the girls are denying that. The astrology is pretty interesting.

The average age of the girls is 16 which means that the average year that they were born is 1992. These girls are probably the products of the Uranus-Neptune conjunction in Capricorn and of Pluto in Scorpio. In 1991 the North Node was also in Capricorn. So this generation wants to eat at the grown up table. To each his own.

Pretty interesting that the Scorpio/Capricorn emphasis in their birth charts come to the fore in this way just as Pluto moves into Capricorn. And, with Pluto in Scorpio and all that Capricorn. When they say they didn't agree to a Pact, well, that just means that they didn't agree to telling anyone else about their Pact.

(Imagine a link to the article from TIME Magazine here: )

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