Out the Comet's Ass

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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Bats in the Opening Bell-Fry - Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Sun is on last degree of Libra, moving into Scorpio. Time to admit that there's Bats in our Ding Dong. Somebody get Ozzie Osborne to bang the Opening Bell next week.

Have been sort of choking on trying to write anymore Opening Bell Charts for the Stock Market. Jupiter-Saturn trines apparently rule choking. Jupiter expansiveness is where you eat too much and Saturn constriction is where your throat finally says enough is enough.

We're in a Freefall. WEeeEEEEEEEeeeeeeEEEEEEE. And we didn't even have to pay admission to Disneyland. Breadline, Mickey? Unemployment, Minnie? And Pluto? Pluto's still in Disneyland, somebody tell the Mother Effin Astronomers....

Okay, that was weird. Back to normalcy.

Neptune's been separating from conjunction with the North Node and people are coming out of denial. Out from that fluffy pink idealistic cloud that says that maybe we can fix it. This week is sort of the Fuck it phase. Control will begin to return next week, or at least a temporary lift. People will have to start paying to heat their homes and then they'll get the bill and then the Sun will move into Capricorn. Brrrr.

The price of Gas (ruled by Neptune) is now down to $68.00 barrel from its high of slightly over $140.00 (I think). The Dow is down to 8655. Nasdaq is down to 1546. S&P is down to 912. The Quarterly earnings for the idiot Banks is terrible. At least the Government will be able to buy their stock for rock bottom prices. Since the taxpayers are buying it I suppose that's a good thing. But, who are they going to get to run the Companies? I assume all the current CEOs are going to jail. Maybe not, Neptune won't be in stressful aspect to the Nodal Axis again for a while yet.

The significant thing I noticed about last week's charts was that the unaspected Mars and singleton Pluto which I said were representing Human Will of some sort (I was assuming positive) actually played out. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, an Aries Sun, called 9 Top Bankers over and "forced" them to sign a paper allowing the Government to buy some of their stock. If they can get their shit together in the future they can buy the stock back. That's an odd form of regulation but these guys belong in shackles. The Hot Dog seller on the street corner is a better businessman than these guys. At least he has a product to sell. So that was the Mars and Pluto prominence.

Jupiter has me flumoxed completely. He's in Capricorn which is in its Fall. I am going to start putting much emphasis on Dignities from now on. Everything about his placement is excellent for Money. Jupiter is expansive, opptimistic, okay, he overdoes it. I have a badly placed Jupiter, though, and when he comes along to make a positive transit generally he just overloads me. He'll give me 3 great options to follow so that I have to always live with the fact that I'm losing 2 options in order to gain 1 opportunity. Go into a bar and talk to a really mean drunk person. That's my Jupiter on a typical day, though. But, man, the Opening Bell Jupiters. What a shock. He's in Capricorn but he's trining Capricorn's ruler, Saturn. Trines are positive. This is a positive political aspect. This has led to positive global cooperation amongst Bankers and is sort of organizing the World's economy into a functioning unit (fingers crossed). I heard some guy on NPR say that the entire world is watching the presidential election with bated breath.

This Jupiter-Saturn trine is the last trine for a few years. At this point, I'm saying "Hasta la vista, baby. Who needs trines if this is what trines are about." The upper houses of the astrological wheel are definitely churning right now as represented by the outer planet transit aspects. Juptiter and Saturn rule Sagittarius and Capricorn which rule the 9th & 10th Houses. Now this is moving into a shift where Saturn (ruler of H10) is going to oppose Uranus (ruler of H11). Signs that are right next to each other don't really get along. They don't share Elements or What's that called? Always forget the word for "Cardinal, Mutable, Fixed". I got my own Bats, Fuch it. Jupiter is Fire and Mutable. Saturn is Earth and Cardinal. Uranus is Air and Fixed. Somebody asked me what I think about Saturn and Uranus together. It's an energy that I'm dreading personally but I've been thinking about it and will hopefully write something later on. I'm sure the World is on pins and needles for this, har har.

This weeks Opening Bell charts have a couple of big shifts happening in the energies. It's interesting how last week when the Midheaven shifted in the Opening Bell Charts from Leo to Virgo all of a sudden the energy of the panic quieted down. The change happened almost overnight on Thursday-Friday. I even remember some guy on NPR remarking on it. Leo is all Drama and Action. Virgo is passive and practical. Virgo thinks, ah, let it fall, I can buy into the bottom. Leo has risked everything. Paulson probably had to take a nap.

Today's chart has Sun at 30 Libra. This is the last day where anybody asks anyone else's opinion about things. Tomorrow the Sun moves into Scorpio and things might start feeling more under control. The chart ruler Pluto is still in the 2d House of Banking but is about to move up into the 1st House which is also has more of an in control feeling. Anyway, Pluto rules investments and other people's money. The Bankers (ruled by opposite sign of Taurus) have lost control of their companies. While Pluto and Jupiter were in their House (2d House) the Government (Saturn in H10 trining Jupiter) had to step in and bail them out and take control (Saturn) of what they wouldn't regulate (Jupiter) themselves. This falls on the heels of the Saturn-Pluto trine which was forming around this time a year ago so that these planets would have been in the 2d and 10th Houses at opening bell at that time as well. There was actually a wide trine forming at this time back in 2006 as well. And Jupiter and Pluto's conjunction in Sagittarius would have exaggerated the whole expansiveness, overly optimistic energy as well.

The Banking crisis, according to that study I linked to, apparently popped in August, 2007. Bernanke's spent his whole life studying Banking Crises and knew exactly what to do in order to contain them. Apparently nothing has worked so far and Bernanke's in unchartered territory at this point. Good thing he's such a cute guy. (Hey, Ben, the answer is: "Streamline" i.e. Saturn-Uranus. Look for an old Italian Modernist Architect or Furniture Designer with Pluto in Cancer and ask him to Design a new Economy for you. Read St. Augustine and do for the economy what he did for the Catholic Church. I know you're Jewish but you've also run out of ideas and have to look elsewhere. Those Romans knew how to built on a large scale).

This Saturn-Pluto trine seems to have been the call to self-regulate as both planets are known for that. With trines I guess you don't do this unless you really have to. I ought to know, my chart is loaded with trines.

The Ascendant in today's opening Bell Chart is at 25 Scorpio. Pluto's still ruling the Chart from the 2d House. By next week, Jupiter will be ruling the Chart from the 2d House.

Volatility is shown in this chart as Mars is apex of a t-square to Moon conjunct South Node in Leo which opposes the Aquarius North Node and Chiron. Mars, the Moon and Jupiter are the most aspected planets in this chart so they are in communication at least with many elements of the chart.

Moon is at 14 Leo in this Chart in the 9th House. Moon represents the Public and Emotions. In Leo it is Dramatic and Risk Taking. Moon disposits to the Sun (Will) which is weakly placed in the chart. It only has a sextile to Pluto. This again shows a passive approach to just letting the chips fall where they may.

Venus in this chart is at 5 Sagittarius so both Venus and the Moon, which are major rulers of Finance are keeping Pluto company in Fire. Venus in this chart is unaspected by major aspect to any planets so her energy is bottling up. Venus in Sagittarius is also risk taking, maybe a little irresponsible. She's also parallel to Sadge's ruler Jupiter. And I'm afraid of Jupiter overdoing things right now.

Oh, yeah, Jupiter's on my Moon right now. That's a planet in its Fall conjunct a Planet that's in its Detriment, unaspected in the 8th House. For the uninitiated, that's like saying, "whew, Glad I don't have that chart." Have been buying Lottery Tickets and not even checking to see if I won. That's how bad it is.



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