Out the Comet's Ass

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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Didn't See It Coming

Paul Krugman is an Economist who just won the Nobel Prize for Economics. I learned about this by hearing an interview with him on the radio on Monday. Just as I tuned in the Interviewer was asking him how it felt to win such an incredible award in the middle of a huge economic crash. He said "I wish I had seen it coming."

Man, that looks like some tragic human condition thing. So I looked into the astrology to see if I could see anything there. While looking for his chart I noticed that AstrologyMundo has a good introductory blog about Krugman's brand of Economics. He's Liberal, probably wants to help others.

Anyway, I've already talked about the Weatherman who didn't see the Galveston Hurricane (early 20th Century one, not recent one) coming. It happens. I know that the Astrologers were predicting the crash at UAC. But, Astrologers are lumped in with psychics and many of them cry wolf all the time. This wrecks one's believability.

Paul Krugman

b. Feb. 28, 1953 Albany, NY

Sun 10 Pisces; Moon in Virgo (Maybe Leo); NN 13 Aquarius

One can see Krugman's compassionate side from his Pisces Sun/perhaps Virgo Moon combination. He was also born during a conjunction of Saturn to Neptune in Libra which shows that he feels strongly for the less fortunate.

Interesting how Krugman's Venus (major planet that indicates money) is in opposition to the degree of Neptune. That shows a very idealized idea of how to deal with money and also a blinding and denial about reality. Saturn should have been helping him out but it looks like he used it for other purposes.

One can also see that Krugman has an Aquarius North Node which shows a destiny that's directed outward into Humanity and Abstract and Innovative thinking. This is squaring his Jupiter in Taurus which ties in the interest to money and finances. The Sun, bringing recognition, is in Pisces. It's interesting that recognition comes for this Pisces Sun while its dispositor, Neptune, is conjunct the North Node.

I've already mentioned Krugman's Venus. It is strongly placed in Krugman's chart because the Saturn-Neptune in Libra conjunction disposit to it. And so does Jupiter in Taurus. Venus itself is at 23 Aries and is conjunct Mars, the planet to which it disposts. Mars is strong here in its own sign. It represents action, rashness, forthrightness, the soldier. Mars acts now, thinks later.

Right now Krugman is approaching his Nodal Return and Neptune and Chiron are conjunct the North Node. Since Jupiter is squaring his Nodal Axis it makes sense that he would receive a huge award for his work. He is probably also somewhere close to going through or having gone through his 2d Progressed Lunar Return. I'm not sure if this is in Leo or in Virgo so don't know have much to say about it.

What's interesting is that his progressed Venus has been Retrograde since the mid 70's sometime. It went into Taurus for awhile and then started back tracking into Aries. Right now Krugman's progressed Sun is at 5 Taurus which would be close to Venus' Rx Station. The Sun brings recognition. Interesting how in this case, it's through economics.

Venus is now in a long term conjunction with natal Mars in Aries and progressed Mercury. Venus is interesting to look at because she rules Money and Values. When she turns retrograde by progression it can show an extended period, most of a person's life actually because this is a long term progression, where he/she has to question his self-worth/lovability by constantly adjusting values. Of course, this can strain personal relationships as well. Evidentally, it's doesn't affect an Economist's success. One constantly has to question the effects one has on others as one will be more aware of this. P.Venus in Aries conjunct Mars is a very complicated position as Mars rules just the opposite notion. One does what one wants to do and that's it.

Krugman's progressed Venus will Station Direct sometime around 2017-18. It will still be in conjunction with his natal Mars at middle degree of Aries and transiting Uranus will just have passed over it. Natally, Mars is involved in a t-square with opposition to Chiron in Capricorn and squaring apex Uranus in Cancer. So this will be a "challenge/action" spot that will be activated by the very long Uranus-Pluto square that will be coming up.

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