Out the Comet's Ass

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Thursday, October 09, 2008

Tomorrow's Opening Bell & Halloween's Cauldron

I spoke too soon about yesterday's Market. Around 3-4 in the Afternoon there was a sudden sell-off. The Aquarius Moon was passing over the Ascendant and still squaring Mars in Scorpio. That's volatile.

Today the Market continued the volatlity again and sold off extremely heavily towards the close and is now down around 8,500 points. Paulson's still saying that Banks are going to close while the Internet whizzes are starting to scream about how this is a buying opportunity. Last I looked the Asian Stock Markets are in the middle of tanking.

It seems as if so far nobody in the real world has been paying attention until today. Probably my imagination but it seems that I saw a lot of old rich guys this evening out talking together in coffee shops. That's about as emotional as those guys get. Others were driving their fancy Middle Age Complex sports cars slowly around parking lots while the skin on their faces pulled g's as if they were spinning around on the teacups ride at Disneyland. Don't know if this is a joke or not but on one of the talk shows Bill Maher made a comment about how 20 percent of U.S. Income is made through the financial services sector. What a useless bunch of idiots we've turned into. This also means that 20 percent of the country can't figure out how to get us out of this mess. People are saying that the Feds have run out of "things to do." I guess they're gonna let Pluto run its course.

So tomorrow's Stock Market Bell.

15 Scorpio Rising. That's half way through Scorpio. That's sumpin. Pluto is still the chart ruler; still in the 2d House at opening of Stock Market Bell. Pluto is still a singleton in Fire. Tomorrow it will be unaspected by major aspect to other planets but will be trining the Leo Midheaven.

The Moon will still be in Aquarius and will be conjunct the Chiron Rx-NN-Neptune Rx stellium blob which has moved into the 3d House. Will somebody make a speech? With Moon-Neptune in the 3d house both natally and astro-stock-marketly I'd assume that it would be President Bush. I assume that it's unfortunate that this blob stellium disposits to 4th House Uranus. I've been sort of worrying that somebody was going to commit hari-kari or something.

Uranus is unpredictable. In the 4th House it's like living underneath a couple that constantly rearranges the furniture at 2:00 am. It isn't happy down at the bottom of the chart in a house that is ruled by feelings, that's for sure. And Saturn is at the top. And Saturn is still the only planet that is at a Northern Declination right now and that's got to be significant.

I've been curious about when the Saturn-Uranus opposition would cross the Midheaven / IC axis of the opening bell charts. That's such a good aspect for an earthquakes, especially with aspects to Mars and the Moon. Halloween happens on a Friday this year and this will be the Stock Market where the opposition hits this angle. After that Uranus will move into the 3d House where its probably more comfortable and Saturn will have moved into the 9th House where it might be more optimistic.

The Halloween Bell is a very interesting chart.

The Saturn in Virgo opposition to Uranus in Pisces is conjunct the IC-MC Axis. And the Sagittarius Moon is conjunct the ASC. This seems more like a social uprising or earthquake kind of chart except that Saturn rules the 2d House and the Moon rules the 8th House, those are the finance houses. Plus, Venus will be apex of a t-square and squaring Saturn-Uranus from the 1st House.

The Ascendant will be 2 Sagittarius.

Three planets, Moon-Venus-Pluto will be in the 1st House all in Sagittarius. They will all disposit to Jupiter which is going to still be in the 2d House of Banking and Money. Sagittarius is expansive, opinionated. Sometimes it's lucky and optimistic.

Venus and Jupiter and the Sun and Moon and Pluto are the Main rulers of money and they are very wildly placed in this chart.

The Scorpio Sun and the Sagittarius Moon will both be unaspected to other planets. The Moon will be conjunct the Ascendant, however.

Venus and the Moon are both out-of-bounds. And out-of-bounds in Sagittarius in the 1st House and believe me that's out of bounds.

As Saturn rules the 2d House and the Moon rules the 8th House of this chart this means that both rulers of these houses are conjunct the angles.

The one thing holding this chart down, believe it or not, is Mars. Mars is secretive up in Scorpio in the 12th house and he's sextiling the Jupiter-Saturn trine.

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