Out the Comet's Ass

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Saturday, April 18, 2009

American Female Reporters Detained Abroad During Venus Rx in Aries

With this long Venus in Aries Retrograde one would expect that women who have been too impulsive in some way might get caught. It looks as if Women U.S. Journalists may have overshot their boundaries in other countries as there are 2 separate incidents in the works right now.

Iran has just convicted U.S. reporter Roxana Saberi, Age 31, for charges of Espionage. She has now been sentenced to 8 years in prison. She was arrested on January 31, 2009 in Tehran for buying a bottle of wine. Her Journalist license had been revoked by Iranian officials for a year. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=101315579. Venus was at 28 Pisces when she was arrested and has stationed Direct at close to the same degree as she is found guilty. It has been in a square to Pluto in Capricorn (Paranoia, Governments, Borders, Patriarchy, Convention, Authority, Rules) the whole time and will continue to be in this square for about another Month. This is a good time for us Ladies to get in touch with our Inner Libra. (God Help Me in that case. Born with Libra North Node and the worst natal Venus placement in all of womankind. Actually, my Lilith and Moon placements are worse.)

Likewise, North Korea has detained two Female Reporters for crossing over the Border from China while filming for Al Gore's Current TV channel. I believe they were reporting on North Korean Refugees in China.

Euna Lee (Age? ) and Laura Ling, Age 32, were arrested on Mar. 17, 2009 at around 3am while walking in the Tumen River which borders China and North Korea. (http://groups.google.com/group/soc.culture.korean/browse_thread/thread/8ba677ad567cf363). They were probably trying to film refugees as they were crossing over in to China.

I'm not sure of the exact location where the women were but it looks as if Pluto (Spying, Paranoia) had just risen over the Capricorn (Government, Authority, Patriarchy) Ascendant and, of course, is in this ever-lasting square to Venus in Aries (Assertive Women). Good to know that one must be careful of Authorities when Pluto in Capricorn is rising over the Ascendant. And probably when it's hitting any other angle in the chart.

Capricorn's ruler, Saturn, (Authority, Government, Borders) is in Opposition to a conjunction of Sun-Uranus in Pisces (Refugees, Rivers, Detainment, Rebellion, Free Spirit) in the 3d House of Journalism. My information is a little unclear on this but I believe that their Chinese Guide was also arrested but that two other crew members managed to escape.

A week later it was determined that Lee and Ling would face trial. They face up to 10 years imprisonment in a North Korean Prison camp if convicted. According to the link included down below Euna Lee is Korean-American and Laura Ling is Chinese American. She is the sister of Journalist Lisa Ling. What an amazing pair of sisters. Unfortunately this isn't the Patty Duke show.


I don't have birth dates for the women. I wish them a positive outcome for their Trials and hope that the interrogations aren't as awful as I'm imagining them to be.

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