Out the Comet's Ass

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Tuesday, April 07, 2009

The Effect of Aries on the Other Cardinal Signs

Here's another Health related blog.

(I admit readily that I'm unqualified to comment on most of the topics on which I'm blogging except for maybe a slightly less shallow knowledge of the Arts than what most people have. Just I'm looking at the Astrology in as simple of methods as I can when I see that it all lines up. My Father the Architect always said that the basis of great design is always KISS "Keep It Simple Stupid." Turns out he was a pretty good architect so I respect his advise. His architecture got really weird during the divorce and he burned out from trying to work in an impossible business but those are other stories).

There's a USAToday article in today's paper called "Studies shed light on brain injuries from blasts: Problems with memory and balance seen." It's written by Gregg Zoroya.

Scientists are developing greater understanding of Brain Injuries from the injured military personel in Iraq. I'm not sure why they are suddenly focusing on this particular injury during this particular War. Perhaps Mars, which rules War, Brain Injuries, Accidents, Explosions, was connected with the 8th House of Research in the chart for the War. I suppose there are a few charts that can be looked at, the Declaration which sprang from Cheney's and Rumsfeld's heads (Mars), or the time of the first firing. For sure, this research is a good thing. The young men who are mostly suffering from the injuries are represented by Mars which rules young men, especially ones who go to War.

What the article points out that is super interesting is that a Blast to the Brain causes problems that are specifically related to the other Cardinal Signs. Two can be seen in the article's title as Memory is related to Cancer and Balance is related to Libra. Further on in the article Capricorn's reaction is included in this neat little paragraph (Capricorn = Problem Solving, mostly in decision making ways).
"An estmiated 45,000 to 90,000 victims, however, suffer persistent symptoms such as memory loss, lack of balance and problem-solving difficulties."
I wonder if one would want to try to fix the area of brain that's most related to Mars so that the other 4 corners aren't so stressed. Mars rules Aggression and anger, of course, but also, Action without Forethought, self-assertion, and firey innocent vitality of wanting to charge in and do stuff in a direct way.

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Blogger California Girl said...

Always interested to see what topics you can shed astrological light on. You find many interesting subjects to comment on and that's what makes this blog more interesting than many of the others about astrology.

3:17 PM  
Blogger Out The Comet's Ass said...

Thanks California Girl. Gemini Rising. Just don't ask me to stick with one topic for too long...

5:57 PM  

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