Mystic Rectangle Tuesday!!! Stock Market Magic
Build it and they will come! The Stock Market went up through the roof today due to my boyfriend Ben Bernanke's crazy Sagg ways!
According to Yahoo right now, NYSE's up 416 points (3.55 %) and Nasdaq's up 86 points (3.98 %). Dow up 47 points (3.71 %). Yahoo's Graph shows that it started to rise around 1:00 pm. Another Martini Lunch. Man, this is just like growing up in an alcoholic family.
Chart for 1pm, March 11, 2008, NYC, NY shows 12 Cancer ASC. That coupled with the Moon in Taurus conjunct Taurus Rising just as the Market opened at 9:30am describes a day centered around the Banking Industry. This isn't that big of a deal because this happens for a couple of days every year, but today's chart had extra placements. It's fun to study this chart.
You add to that "Banking Chart" a Mystic Rectangle formation and see what happens. Here the Mystic was hanging out in the Resource Houses in the Opening Chart: Mars in Cancer (H2) opposite Pluto in Capricorn (H8) trining/sextiling Mercury-Neptune in Aquarius (H11) opposite Saturn in Virgo (H5). Mystic Rectangles are two oppositions set up so that all the planets aspect each other in sexiles and trines around the perimeter. I've never read a good description of what it actually is meant to mean except that with the oppositions there will be tension through relationships and balancing acts that are put to good use through a combination of talent and good luck. There are no squares in such a shape, so no sense of Challenge or Action. Just set it up and let it go. Maybe that's why it's considered Mystical.
Just as the Mars-Pluto opposition crossed the ASC-DESC slightly before 1pm, the Stock Markets began to rise. Remember, more than 400 points!!!!! I've just got to watch Kramer tonight. It's so awful to be stuck living around Californians when this kind of thing happens.
At 1pm also, the Sun and Uranus were hanging over the Pisces Midheaven. Now that's what I call Collective Unconsciousness! Work that Mass Mentality, Baby!!! The Sun was parallel the Midheaven. Sun-MC-Uranus was apex of a small triangle. Moon was in Taurus in H11 trining Pluto in Capricorn in H8. This trine again spans the two upper Resource Houses. The Mars-Pluto and Sun-Uranus show concerted efforts by the authorities to bring about change. The sextiles in the small rectangles show a flow of talent to do this through 11th House (Groups, Hopes, Wishes, Projected Thinking) and 8th House (Other People's Money, Loans) resources.
What seems prominent here is the Venus(Money, Banking)-Saturn(Government, Control)-Node connection(Destiny). At least it's prominent in this chart and in the July 24, 2002 chart as well. Saturn at 4 Virgo is widely conjunct the South Node at 28 Leo. This opposes the North Node which is conjunct Venus at 29 Aquarius. Venus is also parallel the North Node (that's like a small conjunction). In the July 24, 2002 chart, the Nodes were at 18 Gemini(NN) and Sagittarius(SN). Saturn was at 25 Gemini conjunct the North Node. Pluto was at 16 Sagittarius conjunct the South Node. And Venus was at 16 Virgo squaring the whole enchilada.
Oh, and also about Parallels and the Midheaven. The 1pm chart of the 2002 chart had a conjunction of Sun-Mercury-Mars that were both in Conjunction and Parallel with each other and the Midheaven. Maybe the Sun is always parallel the Midheaven near noon at this time of year. Oh, and also, I'm not sure if my Solar Fire program is set to show Daylight's Savings Time which went off early this year. Probably not. Crap.
Labels: Business, Finance, Mystic Rectangle
Hi, just reading some of your comments because I'm trying to figure out how tomorrow's Venus opposition to Pluto will affect the stock market.
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Hi Anonymous, thanks for the alert!
It looks like Saturn may return to 4 Virgo where it was on this day tomorrow. It will be in the H1 at opening bell.
The Full Moon will be conjunct the Venus-Pluto opposition. The Sun will be conjunct Venus and they will be parallel. And the Moon will be out-of-bounds. That certainly looks like some sort of risk taking day as the opposition will be crossing the H5-11 axis.
They will be involved in a Mystic Rectangle during the morning. Will be interesting to watch.
Sun and Venus will be ruling the ASC and MC (respectively) of the opening bell chart so they definitely will be strong. Kind of wonder in what way. With Mars-SN conjunct the ASC it seems that things may be sort of volatile and paranoid. Sun and Moon in Gemini-Sagg is pretty good for finance I think.
I believe that Venus at 1 Cancer is both Barack Obama's and the U.S.'s Venus Return. Hope it means there will be an announcement of some sort about how to deal with housing and high price of food, Cancer topics.
Pretty wild looking Full Moon right before the Summer Ingress. Maybe this is the beginning of the Jupiter-SAturn trine with Pluto's last stand in Sagittarius. Once this Summer is over I don't think we'll have an outer planet trine for about 3 years which is sort of freaky.
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