Out the Comet's Ass

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Monday, May 26, 2008

Waking From a Dream

Is anybody having good dreams these days?

I'm such a light sleeper I rarely drop down into the type of sleep that you need to have a really good dream. This morning I had one of those great moments where I overslept and a loud noise woke me suddenly. I had been dreaming something, of course I can't remember what, and then I had that feeling of rising really quickly from the bottom of the ocean to the surface while waking.

I checked the chart. The first time I woke this morning was 6:30 am. Gemini was rising at the exact degree of my birth chart. Ruler Mercury was in Gemini in the first house trining Neptune-Chiron-NN-Moon right at the Midheaven. It was too early so I rolled over and went back to sleep.

When I woke from the dream slightly after 8:36 am, Mercury was in the 12th House of Dreams and still trining that huge stellium. Neptune was in the 9th House and the Moon was in the 8th House. Uranus was just past the Midheaven and squaring Mercury.

Mercury went Retrograde at 8:48. Neptune quickly followed going Rx at 9:14 am. It had just joined the Moon in the 8th House.

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