Top 20 Complaints
Yahoo published the 20 top complaints for this last week. This inspired me to wonder who are the Worst Complainers of the Zodiac? Rex Bills doesn't have a rulership for Complainers. He lists "Malcontents" as ruled by Uranus. He doesn't even list Whiners although I've met two Capricorns who immediately told me that my sign, Cancer, are the Whiners of the Zodiac. Yahoo's list only gives a listing of what people were searching the Internet to complain about.
I'm sure that if you ask astrologers who the Complainers are in the Horoscope they may come up with different answers always very subjectively spoken from their own personal experience. (The Capricorns are the Blamers of the Zodiac so I'll let them off the hook in this category, heheh.) It's kind of a Double Edged Sword. If one complains about Complainers then one is a Complainer one's self. -- And that is how it ought to be.
I tend to think that Mutable Signs are the worst complainers but that's probably because I'm from a family of them. There may be some truth to this as they are the signs who refine what the Cardinal Signs begin and the Fixed Signs develop. They are the Refiners of the Zodiac. If you sit at a table with Mutable Signs you definitely get to hear about all the social subtleties going on in the room. Like I said, I'm from a family of them, it's personal.
Water Signs, like Mutables, are very sensitive to their environment so they may also be complainers. But, often they don't have the natural communication skills that are needed in order to complain. At any rate, People who don't complain are pretty scary in their own right. You know that old saying "Don't get mad, get even..." We all know which sign I'm talking about here (but I don't dare say it out loud).
I quickly went through Yahoo's list with Rex Bills in hand and was surprised to see that the Things that people were seeking to complain about through Internet searches were, by coincidence, mostly represented by some of the Mutable and Water signs. The charming Sagittarius entities once again slip by unscathed. Hummm. People don't complain about higher education or bad bow and arrows purchases I guess.
Another thing, these are the things that people complained about only during one week. It might change from week to week. Interesting that people don't complain for the most part about important, big ticket items. Like Real Estate dealings, automobile purchases, Doctor's services. We are a population that's very irate about our TV reception and the cruddy service we receive from discount department stores. Nobody, ain't Nobody, gonna complain about service from UPS man from Coast to Coast, that's for sure. They so cute and forgiveable. Must be Sagg's.
1. Consumer Complaints - not listed. Consumption = Saturn, Mercury
2. FCC Complaints. Mercury for Communications, Saturn for Govt. Agency
3. Sample Complaint Letter - Mercury
4. Identity Theft Complaint Form - 1st house? Mars. Theft - Neptune-Pluto, form - Mercury,
5. Re-Bath Complaints - Don't know what this is. Bath ruled by Moon, Neptune, H5, Cancer
6. Blue Haven Pools Complaints - Moon, Neptune
7. LASIK Complaints - Eyes - Sun & Moon, Surgery - Mars
8. Direct TV Complaints - Mercury, Uranus. TV also ruled by (Sagittarius, Jupiter)
9. Mail Fraud Complaints - Mail: Mercury, Gemini. Fraud: Neptune, Pisces, H12.
10. Pay Per Click Complaints - Advertising Internet. Mercury, Uranus.
11. California Prison Complaints - Neptune
12. Tesco Complaints - Supermarket Chain, Mercury, Virgo, Moon, Cancer
13. Whirlpool Complaints - Household Appliances not listed. Refrigerators: Saturn, Virgo. Washing Machine: Moon, Cancer, Neptune (Pluto)
14. Home Depot Complaints - Home, Garden & Lumber Chain. Chain Retailer: Virgo. Lumber yard: Saturn, Capricorn. Hardware Store: Mars, Aries, Saturn. Home Store: Moon, Cancer.
15. Blue Shield Comlaints - Health Insurance, Virgo, Pluto
16. 84 Lumber Complaints - Lumber. Saturn, Capricorn
17. Tempur Pedic Complaints. Beds: Venus. Chiropractic: Saturn, Uranus.
18. Sears Complaint Center, Chain Department Store: Housewares: Cancer, Virgo, Clothing: Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Virgo (Libra). Hardware: Mars, Aries, Saturn.
19. CVS Complaints - Pharmacy - Neptune; Chain Store: Virgo
20. Terminix Complaints - Fumigators; Chain Store. Neptune. Chain retailer: Virgo.
So, what do people whine about most? Guess Yahoo will have to show us the top 20 psychological complaints next week.
Labels: Business, Irrelevant Bullshit
Does anyone out there have a Tempur Pedic bed? I do and cannot sleep on it. Makes my back ache and I wake up at 3:00 a.m. Only one person can sleep on it to get a half way decent night's sleep.
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