Out the Comet's Ass

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Thursday, June 26, 2008

Stress Out at the Stock Market

Ray Merriman warned about Uranus Stationing Direct today and he wasn't kidding: http://www.stariq.com/MarketWeek.HTM. The Stock Market dropped almost 360 points to its lowest levels since Sept. 11, 2006. Reasons given were that Oil Prices moved up over 140 $ barrel. People who bought precious metals are laughing their heads off with glee. Financial, Auto, & High Tech industries suffered set-backs. Sounds like Uranus, huh?

Today Uranus started in the 8th House of Investments too. It ended the Day in 5th House. It was unaspected all day long,( except for a dinky square minor aspect don't know what it's called.) It's doing this every day for about a month until we can get some new signs Rising.

Interesting how Uranus and Pluto sort of seem to rule the U.S. Stock Market because the Sun is in the 11th House (House of Uranus) as the Market opens at 9:30 am and then the Sun is in Pluto's House, the 8th, when the Market closes. So, Uranus is pissy faced right now, asking us to please get on with things and invent some new ideas already. He's so tired of the tried and true. He knows that anything new is what makes people happy. This is what drives the U.S. Markets.

As for Pluto, people can only sense him. Venus has moved out of opposition to Pluto finally but is still opposing the Sun. And the Sun rules the chart for Opening Bell these days (along with Mars and Saturn who are in the 1st house). Pluto is the perpetual Prunerk as it were, clearing out the deadwood to make room for new growth. So I hear that Pluto pruned the Dow and the Nasdaq. I don't know if anybody defenestrated over this, but Pluto sort of puts one on edge in that direction. Venus, Queen of the Banking Industry, is out-of-bounds still so she's being extra bitchy. She and the Sun are in the sign of Cancer, sign of Leona Helmsley, the uber miser. Leaving everything to the dogs for good or bad. So the people who have money are protecting what they've got because they don't see anything worth investing in. Those little electric cars that everyone's trying to fob off on the customers? Dumb idea. The people who need the energy efficient cars are the ones with the 1 and 2 hours commutes and just try getting to work next to a semi in that. I say build Beenie Boy whirligig hats with propellers that will jet propel people right off their feet. They should be powered by the Methane and Co2 that people naturally emit. Uranus likes that kind of thing. Well, actually Pluto prefers that kind of thing. Just think what we could do to Leona's dog. I bet he could power it better than 5 cows. People will be breaking down the walls to get Salmonella from tainted tomatoes and spinach.

So I sort of looked at the Sept. 11, 2006 chart to see if there are any similarities. Well, Moon started the day in H8 and ended it in H5 both days. And Mars was pretty close to the South Node. And Venus was in the same sign as and same house as the Sun, which isn't that unusual because they're never very far apart. The 2006 chart really sucked. At closing the Moon was filling in a Grand Square with Jupiter-Saturn-Uranus. Today's Uranus was just sitting the 5th House unaspected by major aspect to anything sort of wondering where all the good ideas are.

(Tell him we forgot to educate our children and forced them to grow up in Uranian Divorced households so they're too stupid and insecure to come up with good ideas).

Anyhoo, the Nodal Axis, Neptune-Chiron-Saturn and Mars all hanging out on the ASC-DESC axis for these markets. Keep faking like you're an empath and people will flock to you. At any rate, it seems that Ray Merriman predicted today which is miraculous Neptunian stuff. I didn't look up Vesta's position which I guess is important. I just can't find her on my computer program.

It really does feel like the Markets are crashing, doesn't it? Maybe this is a practice run for when the U.S.'s Cancer Sun will be opposed by Pluto some years down the line. Sort of that feeling that other people are pulling the strings.

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