Out the Comet's Ass

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Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Snowball in Hell and a Conspiracy Theory

My Mother used to always use the phrase "That'll be the day that there's a Snowball in Hell." I think that she may have just looked at the market this week and said plain old "Hell. Are those Snowballs?" The snow would have melted immediately, it's still hot in Hell, but I think there were little flurries down there.

So, Sun in Cancer that I am I just want to know: "Is it ok to stick my head out and look yet?" (Answer: Heads are still rolling).

The Capricorn Moon has opened the Stock Market for all 3 days this week as it rolled through the 2d House of the Opening Bell Chart. Capricorn is the sign that the Moon is least comfortable in. On Monday the Moon was conjunct the chart ruler of the Opening Bell chart, Pluto (H2). On Tuesday the Moon was conjunct Jupiter (2d House ruler and placed in 2d House) at Opening Bell. This morning it was in the 3d House squaring Mars at 3 Scorpio in the 12th House promising volatility. Both Venus and Mars are in Scorpio which disposits to Pluto. Venus is still conjunct the Ascendant and squaring the Nodal Axis-Chiron.

Ben Bernanke announced an Interest Rate cut in order to keep the Stock Market from tanking further. We got to see the photos of the Trader's faces making the obligatory screeching expressions on their faces and it was panicky all around. People don't care about Interest Rates anymore, we just want to keep what we have, or at least use it to buy crap on the Internet with, not to bail out crooked Bankers and Mortgage Brokers and Incompetent Presidents.

The Stock Market was still very volatile and looked like it was heading toward making more snowballs down in Hell. But, interestingly, at 1:00 pm (these inexplicable rises seem to always come right after 1:00) the Bankers and the Analysts and the President and Ben Bernanke and Warren Buffett obviously finished their lunch and started shopping. This is how the Rich get richer. And get this, the Moon was at 0 Aquarius and had just risen into the 1st House at 1pm. Pluto was conjunct the Ascendant within a degree at that point. And the Ascendant was Sagittarius and Jupiter was in the 1st House and all of a sudden All Was Good. Or at least the Market went back up into Green Numbers on the Yahoo Ticker. Green is such a refreshing number. As I said, I'm a Sun in Cancer and looking at the numbers right now is a lot like sticking my head out from the sand.

So, that's fascinating. What else was I thinking about? Oh yeah. A couple of things. A Conspiracy Theory and a Look at the U.S. Chart which is fictitious but I'm using the July 4, 1776 date anyway.

The Conspiracy Theory. I was wondering if part of this panic was staged. Leo is on the MC Cusp of Government right now and Neptune (Fantasy) and the North Node have been opposing it. The Nodal Axis is right over it with the North Node-Neptune and Chiron down at the bottom. Mars is in the 12th House right now in Scorpio. This is all pretty manipulative stuff.

I was already thinking that if Obama wins he'll probably go back to raising Capital Gains taxes on Stock purchases so the Republicans know that they've got to sell stuff before then.

The thing is this. Suzy Orman said on one day that the Stock Market lost 2 trillion dollars. That's a lot of Capital Gains taxes. Isn't that 15 percent automatically in the Government's pocket? Wow. The Bush Administration might end up leaving behind a much less significant debt to go down in the History books. I wouldn't put anything past those rats.

Since Suzy Orman said that the Market lost 2 Trillion Dollars it probably has lost another 2 Trillion Dollars. Somebody out there has that money and 15 percent of whatever gains is coming from it is going to Uncle Sam. I can't do the math, but I do know that's a lot more Capital Gains taxes. Now the Republicans can buckle up, shop till they drop, what is that newfangled alternative energy stuff anyway? and buy for the long term. They basically just borrowed the money from the Retirement funds of America and are now having repositioning the funds in this never ending volatile Bear Market. A Bear Market with a swing between 9,500 and 14,000 points. Wowee. Doesn't it seem like something a Cowboy would dream up?

Okay, that' far fetched. But, man, if you ever saw that movie about the 9/11 Conspiracy this sure does fit right in. Dick Cheney's last stand against the United States. He hasn't shot any lawyers in the head and just had to do something.

Here's my Second Thing to Wonder About. It mostly has to do with the U.S. Moon. The U.S. Moon is very important because it disposits to the Sun. It also ruled the 2d House of the Gemini Rising Chart which is the Banking Industry and it rules the 8th House of the Sibley Chart which is the Investment House. And it's placed in Aquarius which rules Resources of Community, Friendship, probably Democracy, Hopes, & Wishes.

Sorry, my internet connection is too slow. I'm ending for right now.

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Blogger Superb Jon said...

Dude, you need be knowing how this bail out is becoming international and the way the global conspiracy is getting one world governement through one world banking. What we gots to be doing is throw out anyone whoo visits the same foreign country more than once or who don't speak English at home.

3:11 PM  

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