Out the Comet's Ass

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Thursday, October 02, 2008

Tomorrow's Bell-Out

The Stock Market has dropped below 10,000 points for the first time in 4 years today. Over the Week-end the European Markets started having problems so as of today the problem is officially Global. Maybe Sagittarius ruling the House 2 cusp of the Opening Bell Charts these days has a bit to do with the swing to the International Crowd. Also Jupiter is now officially in the 2d house chart and squaring the Sun/Mercury Rx. There are three planets in the 2d House of the Opening Bell Charts these days: Pluto at 29 Sagittarius, Moon in Capricorn and Jupiter in Capricorn. Today the Stock Market opened with Moon conjunct Pluto. Tomorrow the Moon-Jupiter conjunction squares the Sun-Mercury Rx conjunction from the 2d to 11th Houses so Resources are definitely still stressed. Venus in Scorpio is still conjunct the Ascendant and squaring the North Node-Chiron-Neptune Axis.

The Charts are still a bowl shape bounded by the Saturn-Uranus opposition in H10 (Saturn) and H4 Uranus. There's a feeling that things are under control but something's missing (Bob Marks' interpretation of Bowl Shape Charts).

Both Saturn & Uranus are strongly aspected in these houses by rulerships. Saturn naturally rules the 10th House. Uranus isn't comfortable in the 4th House, that's Earthquake Weather, but it's placement is extra strong there right now because it rules the Aquarius IC right now. I've actually heard this Financial Market described as "an Earthquake." It's also been described as an Abyss. October is also literally Earthquake Month in California.

What's interesting is that no one, absolutely no one feels that this is "just a correction" the way they usually do during a volatile swing. Guess this isn't a swing. I started wondering about this while listening to an NPR interview this morning. A financial expert (sorry, don't know name, but he was really great) said that people keep asking when will things go back to normal. I looked up normal in Rex Bills. "Norm" is ruled by (Jupiter). I would have thought Virgo but what do I know. Bills also says that "Correction" is ruled by (Jupiter) as well. I'm sure he wasn't talking about Financial Markets but just thought I'd mention it. People's attitiudes have definitely switched from the Jupiterian style to the Saturnian style.

At any rate, last week I read an interesting article on a study that was done on Bailouts. And it turns out that this Financial Crisis started in August, 2007. England went through one at the same time. England nationalized its banks and the U.S. Well, The U.S., being a Cancer, must internalize its angst before acting. The first part of a Banking Crisis is called the containment phase. I now am able to recognize when the experts talk now about "Containment." This is where one tries to stop the crisis from overflowing into other areas of the economy. The 2d part of the Bail-Out situation is the "Resolution" or "Restructuring" phase.

The Yahoo article is here: "History of Bailouts: What Kinds Work; And Why Ours Won't" by Henry Blodget.

The Link to the PDF File of the original IMF Working Paper "Systemic Banking Crises: A New Database" by Luc Laeven & Fabian Valencia is here:

This is a study of 42 recent Bailouts which describes which ones work and which ones don't.
There's a pretty clear explanation of how Banking Crises happen and how they are fixed.

Interesting that peaks in banking crises across the World (mostly 3d World countries) correspond with major Astrological Outer Planet transits in Cardinal Signs. One group of Crises peaked in the early 80's, notably 1981 which corresponds with the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Libra. Another one occurred in the early 90's with peaks in 1994-95 which corresponds to the Uranus-Neptune conjunction in Capricorn. The article separates Banking Crises into 3 different types. Sometimes a Crisis only has one type, sometimes it goes through a twin crisis. Sometimes a triplet crisis. The early 1990s had "Banking" and "Currency" Crises whereas the early 1980's had a "Sovereign Debt" crisis.

We ought to blame Venus since she rules Money, Currency, Banks but I'm not sure how we go about gathering evidence against her since her orb is so fast. She is in the middle of her 8 year cycle with the Sun as well as at the beginning/end of a larger cycle.

I, of course, immediately look to Pluto for the cause and effect stuff but probably that's not appropriate. I mean, make a crisis and Pluto will be there. Probably why people fear Scorpios. It's interesting that the article says that one of the ways to improve confidence is to provide Insurance which is a Plutonian keyword. Confidence tends to also be a Scorpionic trait. Interesting how money and confidence are so tightly interlinked. Business people have the best understanding of human nature. Pluto rules Scorpio which is the sign opposite Taurus which rules Money, Currency, Banks. Bills give rulership of Confidence to the Sun alone. Scorpios would probably agree with that. They are just determined which is probably the best a Water Sign can do.

An interesting rulership I ran across was the one for "Conscience". Bills gives rulership of this to: Sun and (Pluto). That's very interesting considering how Pluto rules Power. True Power can only come with a clear conscious. That's when one's got integrity. There's the flip side where absolute power corrupts absolutely. Pluto also rules Corruption along with (Neptune). The Scorpio's have a full plate, that's for sure.

Over the week end I picked up a used audiobook that was written in 1995 about how the world was going to Hell back then as well. Nobody will have read this far into this blog so I guess I don't have to go out to the car to check for the title. Either way, the writer mentioned the importance of Hope and Wishes and Dreams are in the Economy. This apparently is true. The real problem is that no one knows what to do with the problems that face us. These aren't qualities that I would expect during a Uranus-Neptune mutual reception. It seems that those two are avoiding the human race at this point. Perhaps mutual receptions work the same way that Grand Trines do (a la Noel Tyl's description) in that they insulate each other from interacting with the rest of the chart.

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