Out the Comet's Ass

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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Hammered in Space

This is just so "Lost in Spacey." Another Girl Astronaut Story. I swear, it's tough enough trying to shop at the Home Despot without every Girl Astronaut who walks down the plank losing her tool bag out in space. On the other hand, it's kinda cool to think that an alien might find it. Or it might come flying back into orbit and hit someone on the head 5,000 years from now. It's a $100,000 NASA toolbag. Just try to match that, Gucci. Maybe Paris Hilton will be cryogenically preserved just so she can be around to catch the thing.

Anyway, a glue gun exploded yesterday while Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper was doing maintenance on the Space Station and as she was wiping the goo off she lost a grip on her $100,000 tool bag and it wafted away. Hope they got it on video and post it on YouTube. This is just way cool. Much better story than how Ford, GM and Chrysler can't get it together to make a car that people want to buy so they're asking the Taxpayers to Bail them out too. Keep losing your NASA Gucci's, Heidemarie. (Why's your name so damn Long?) How many more days is Pluto going to be in Sagittarius? Gotta grab these stories while they still show up.

Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper
b. Feb. 7, 1963 St. Paul, MN

Sun 19 Aquarius; Moon in Scorpio?; NN 30 Cancer

So Heidemarie has a big t-square in her chart that's all to blame. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Her Aquarius Sun is conjunct Saturn and is opposing Mars in Leo Rx. This is squared by apex Neptune in Scorpio. Since Mars is Rx she was born during one of those Mars Synodic Cycles that's so much fun to think about but virtually impossible to interpret due to lack of data. At any rate, natal Mars might even be in conjunction with natal Moon. I wonder if Mars-Moon aspects indicate exloding handbags?

Right now, transiting Neptune is at 22 Aquarius, t Chiron is at 17 Aquarius, and the North Node is at 13 Aquarius aspecting this t-square. That's as ooopsey daisy an aspect as they get. Plus, transiting Jupiter is 3 degrees approaching her natal Mercury at 24 Capricorn. Mercury probably rules tool bags; it rules all things having to do with manual dexterity at any rate. Mars probably rules tools. Natal Mercury is unaspected in her chart so any transit to it is going to be exceptional. Jupiter is eternally clumsy, but almost always lands on its feet.

Once Heidemarie returns to earth she'll be having a Nodal opposition so she'll be feeling a little confused for a short while longer.

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