Out the Comet's Ass

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Monday, December 08, 2008

SOS and "The Bystander Effect"

Last month another one of these weird events happened where someone was in trouble and a bunch of people were witnessing the event and did nothing to help. In this particular case, a 19 year old boy killed himself while broadcasting his death via a Webcam. 181 viewers watched the event and did nothing for him until it was too late. Many of the witnesses were actually goading the teenager, Abraham Biggs, Jr., on; perhaps thinking that he was playing a joke.

There was an interview on NPR radio last Friday (I think) about this event in which the topic of "The Bystander Effect" was brought up. This case was related to a famous murder which occurred in New York City in 1964 in which a woman, Kitty Genovese, was brutally murdered and then raped outside of her home while her neighbors did nothing to check on her screams for help. Because of the dates I was wondering if this type of event is connected with the Saturn-Uranus opposition in Virgo-Pisces in some way. These are the signs that I think of anyway when issues of "Volunteerism" and "Bystander" come up.

Right now Saturn is in Virgo and Uranus is in Pisces. In 1964 at the time of Kitty Genovese's death, Uranus was in Virgo and Saturn was in Aquarius, not yet in Pisces. These aren't leadership signs known for their valour. They don't rush in to hurt people and they also don't rush in to help either. They survive by staying out of the limelight. On the other hand, they have to deal with this as a weakness and we all must deal with awareness of this frailty of human nature when situations like this occur. These types of crimes happen every day but perhaps come to the fore and are noticed when the Saturn-Uranus oppositions occur in Virgo-Pisces. Oppositions talk about dealing with relationships, "the opposite or other".

The 1964 murder-rape is connected with living in an apathetic urban environment. The 2008 suicide of Abraham Biggs, Jr. is connected with the Apathetic and Faceless Internet environment. (The first Internet Suicide was actually committed in 2003 in Phoenix, AZ. This was the death of Brandon Vedas who was also goaded on by Internet viewers.) These events seem to lead up to the Saturn-Uranus oppositions. And by the time of the actual Virgo-Pisces opposition of the planets occurs the topic is a major problem which people are ready to face. Questions of issues pertaining to "The Bystander Effect" and "Civil Courage" and "Volunteer Dilemma" come to the forefront. The tendency of "Apathy" is probably also. It's a distant emotional state that expresses the cursed side of living within in a large community of people/strangers. Uranus brings emotional detachment. Saturn always brings difficult Lessons with regards to whatever he touches.

I'm going to post the crime information and Kitty Genovese' birth date because it is given on Wikipedia. There are some interesting coincidences in the charts. Venus, surprisingly, is involved. She is unaspected in both event charts and passing through the 3d House (of neighbors, community). She is also in the same sign with Jupiter (Jupiter rules the 9th House opposite the 3d house so maybe connected?). Venus was out of bounds during Abraham Bigg's death as well, another emphasis on her influence. When he announced his intentions and started taking his "medications" (diagnosed Bipolar, 2 previous attempts, who the hell was his idiot shrink?), Libra was rising so Venus ruled this event chart. The police entered Biggs' Jrs' Father's home and found him about 12 hours later right around the time that Libra would have been on the opposite angle, the Descendant. (Just for the record, I've said many times before that I think there is a connection between Venus and Suicide, usually in contact with a Sun aspect.)

Another interesting coincidence was the conjunction of Sun-Mercury and Mars in both charts. That sure is an aspect which signifies SOS or Screaming for Help. In addition, Sun and Mars together is violent. Mercury adds the "neighbor" and "community" theme. It ought to add the "Communication" theme, but in both of these cases that part failed. Both conjunctions were heavily afflicted. Biggs, Jrs' Sun-Mercury-Mars (event chart) was apex to a t-square to Moon opposite Chiron-Neptune. Genovese's Sun-Mercury-Mars (event chart) was conjunct Chiron-Sun and opposing Uranus-Pluto in H8 of murder. It was also layered over her natal Saturn-Neptune opposition.

In Biggs, Jr.'s event chart Sun-Mercury-Mars is crossing the cusp of Scorpio (Sun-Mercury) and Sagittarius (Mars). In Genovese's event chart, there was a huge stellium in Pisces, Sun-Mercury-Mars-Chiron-Moon which was opposing Uranus-Pluto in Virgo. This was layered right on top of Genovese's natal Saturn in Pisces opposition to Neptune in Virgo. In both cases the conjunction was placed in the 2d House opposite the 8th House of Death and Murder. Notice that both event charts just happen to be set for 3:15am, just an interesting coincidence.

Another coincidental connection between the two charts would be the contacts between Moon and Chiron. Moon = the Public and Chiron = not being able to heal a wound. In Biggs, Jr.'s case the Moon was in Leo opposing Chiron (and the North Node). In Genovese's case, the Moon was in Pisces conjunct Chiron (and everything else).

Another coincidence was the presence of unaspected planets in the 3d House of neighbors and community. Unaspected planets literally don't have a relationship with other planets (only ptolomaic aspects considered, there are minor aspects in both cases). This is literally represented by the actual events. In Biggs, Jr.'s case, Pluto was unaspected at the time of his announcement. I wonder if he actually expired as Pluto was passing over the Ascendant. The Witnesses said they noticed that he had stopped breathing around 4 hours or so into the "Event." Venus was conjunct the IC and moving into the 3d House. In Genovese's case, Both Venus and Jupiter were unaspected and in the 3d House. Both victims were screaming for help and not getting it.

Kitty Genovese's chart is almost a prototype for a chart related to a horrible crime. The Saturn-Neptune opposition in Virgo-Pisces would certainly be connected with being a Victim. As I said earlier it was heavily afflicted by transit. She was 28 years old not yet having her Saturn Return so would possibly have been having a Secondary Progressed Lunar Return. Genovese also had a natal t-square with apex Mars in Libra squaring Pluto-South Node opposite North Node in Capricorn. This is a key signature for vulnerability to violence. There is an interesting story connected with her first Nodal Return. Her Mother moved the family out of New York City and up to Connecticut after witnessing a Murder. This was in 1954 when Genovese was 19 (Nodal Return). Her Sun-Nodal Axis was passing over the ASC/DESC angle as she was attacked. I think she was also going through a Nodal opposition. There's really a lot to look at in these charts and I'm not getting to it all.

Abraham Biggs, Jr. was 19 which is an indicator that he was going through a Nodal Return in Aquarius but I don't have his birth time. The conjunction of Neptune and Chiron to the North Node could certainly be an impetus for the public to demand that the psychiatrists dispense their damn pills more responsibly but who's going to listen to me?

May both of these Victim's Souls Rest in Peace. May we all feel their loss deeply and learn to improve our attitudes to the pain of others.

Abraham Biggs, Jr.

Suicide: Nov. 19, 2008 announced intentions over Internet 3:15 am; Pembroke Pines, Florida

Sun 29 Scorpio; Moon 21 Leo; ASC 8 Libra; MC 8 Cancer; NN 13 Aquarius


Kitty Genovese

b. July 7, 1935 Brooklyn, NY

Sun 15 Cancer; Moon Virgo or Libra; NN 23 Capricorn

Murder/Rape Event:

Mar. 13, 1964 3:15 am New York Mills Gardens, NY

Sun 23 Pisces; ASC 16 Capricorn; Moon 14 Pisces; MC 12 Scorpio; NN 9 Cancer conjunct DESC.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a Virgo with Virgo rising and I take issue with your remark, concerning Virgo, Pisces and Aquarius,"These aren't leadership signs known for their valour. They don't rush in to hurt people and they also don't rush in to help either". While I am not here to defend myself, I will say that I am a caring, responsible human being who HAS intervened on many occasions to do what I know is right to protect and stand up for the defenceless, the innocent, and those who are ignorant of their rights - even at risk to my safety and security. So I ask you to please refrain from the above type of categorical statements about the "signs". (And, no, I choose not to be a leader but that is because I prefer to empower others.)

1:48 PM  
Blogger Out The Comet's Ass said...


At least you agree that you don't like to lead. Don't you think it makes sense that Virgo might be doing something to make up for following Leo, the sign of Valour? There are all kinds of ways of helping. Big strokes and small strokes. In the end all are important, especially when working together. Virgo and Pisces are very aware of suffering of others, that's for sure, and they let others know about it. There is a problem with criticism, complaining, morale, and fatalism.

I don't underestimate the value of the ability to not act. At certain periods of history that's the best way to be. I looked once at the birthcharts of the guards in the Nazi camps once and noticed that the Virgo guards were often considered the most kind. They were still Nazis, though. And that's an extreme example. Virgo and Pisces is very service oriented but with the Sun there is a self-serving nature to the service.

I did make a mistake if I said that Aquarians don't like to lead because that sign is very talented in that regard, imo. Have to go back in and change that. These are only my opinions and observations. Thanks for sharing yours although we may not agree on this subject. And Thank you for standing up for the poor and ignorant.

8:52 PM  
Blogger seapixy said...

I'm a Pisces Sun with many other natal planets in Pisces as well. I also have Uranus and Pluto in Virgo, so experience this powerful opposition internally on a regular basis. The current "cosmic weather" with Uranus in Pisces and Saturn in Virgo has only amplified this. Speaking for the Fishes, I'll admit I'm not a leader of any kind, and yes, shy away from confrontations. However I too don't agree with your assessment of this quality being a sign of weakness or indifference. I have and will stand up and confront people when confronted with acts of cruelty and unfairness and know other Fishes and Virgins who've done the same. I believe the issue currently in play with Uranus and Saturn in opposition is that, at least for us Fishes, we are confronted with evaluating what is WORTH our self-sacrificing efforts--Saturn in Virgo is forcing us to discriminate (Virgo) between those efforts that truly help, and those that end up hurting ourselves, which just feeds on Fishes' own masochistic tendencies. Learning how to say "NO" is critical now for Pisces, and when Saturn presents such a lesson and we fail, the consequences are terrible during this period. I'm there myself right now and can tell you that those who are used to me being a spineless agreeable, self-sacrificing robot are absolutely shocked when I assert myself and simply say "NO" to certain idiotic requests I used to agree to. Definitely NOT a fun time to be a Pisces or Virgo.

2:58 PM  
Blogger Out The Comet's Ass said...

Thanks for your comment SeaPixey. I certainly didn't express myself very well on this one. I would never in a million years would have said that Virgo and Pisces are weak signs. Virgo doesn't lead. Pisces is excellent at sabotage. Both have remarkable survival skills -- for themselves.

I disagree with you that during these times one must say no. During hard times are when one must say yes. Pisces often is very strong in helping when times are good though. At any rate, that is where I find the struggle with these signs, even in good times. Pisces is escapist. Virgo will look for weakness (in others) no matter what even when it's a bad time to do so. That sign is very good at self-preservation, discernment about knowing when to give and when not to give for one's own survival, not with much view for others. That's why Libra has such a load having to think about others.

5:49 PM  

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