Out the Comet's Ass

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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Woofers and Tweeters

Since much of my adult life has been involved in trying to avoid neighbors with stereo systems I thought I'd take a look at the beginnings of who invented my problems. I suspect that, as with guns and other anti-social spillage, the main problem is not with the equipment but with the people. And as always I blame Pluto. Sorry, Pluto. (I actually like Scorpio Suns a whole lot.) It's just that controlling power trippy thing really puts in you the forefront of society even though you like to get there through the background noise.

The Pluto in Leo generation just seems to have liked their music amplified. Loud.

The Louder You Are, the More People Will Have to Pay Attention to You.

The Pluto in Leos could still hold a tune, though, but they didn't care if you knew what the lyrics were. So, as consumers they would have gobbled up the noise. And the Pluto in Virgo generation, well, we are sort of just like a huge professional audience (mostly of critics). We didn't like the static so our goal was to make the really loud noise but to remove the flaws. The power is in thinking that someday, someday, we'll be able to crank that thing up to 11 on a 10 maxed-out dial. Then they liked getting the noise so loud that they could tune everyone else around them out. Then they dressed like sullen misfits Courtney Love-style and slam danced their way through the 1980s and then turned themselves over to Kenny G and the Martha Stewart Collection in the 90s. No static in Kenny G, also no brains, heart or soul, but that bass shit just goes for the gonads anyway (told you it was Pluto). Perhaps the Pluto in Libras were best for balancing out the distortions.

Turns out the inventions for the parts of the Stereo Sound Systems that I particularly don't lie pretty much match my life dates. Obviously I was born in the wrong time.

The Tweeters, high pitches, on Stereos were apparently first introduced for sale to the public in 1958, the year before I was born. The Woofers, which reproduce the low frequency surround sound crap were introduced in 1974, the year of my parents' divorce, the biggest negative event in my life. I'll now delete certain memories around what stereos meant to my divorcing parents. Stereos in modern American society have become like the cradle that rocks the damaged soul/broken heart into the second baby-hood and then into the second adolescence that comes with divorce. The therapists are taking credit for this but it's actually the stereos who have been doing all the work (along with my ears, spine, even toes because I can't block that crap out).

So, gee, thanks, Stereo Inventors. Noise Pollution to go along with Cap'n Crunch and Yukka Mountain.

The first commercial Tweeter was introduced by a guy named Ed Villchur in 1958. I don't mind Ed. He was simply trying to make a beautiful melody. If you are playing just a melody in your house your neighbors probably won't know about it. Melody doesn't usually represent the collective voice though. It usually just represents one little voice playing around above the rest. That's why Aries make such great singers. That's why the first flautist and violinists in the symphony orchestra usually act like the bad side of Aries and nobody likes them. The Pluto in Virgos don't really have any sense of melody in music. Lyricism seems sentimental to them and hence distasteful.

At any rate, in 1958 the high pitches became extra sweet in the amplification sound. In the electronics this became known as the Tweeters, named after the original Tweeters, the birds. And if you notice, the song birds have been dying off and only the crows can stand to live around people so I suspect that we should be absorbing the birds' demise and realize that we may not be doing this the right way. There is a huge flock of menopausal women in the Ooga Booga world who praise the crows. They are actually trying to get in touch with having no self identity after their kids leave the nest. I think they see Crows are being Wise. All I know about Crows is that they eat Roadkill.

The first Tweeter was known as the AR-3 Dome Tweeter. (source: http://www.classicspeakerpages.net/IP.Board/index.php?s=8983d240caafef76045842c6bc671fea&showtopic=2025&st=0&p=61754&#entry61754)

Next came the Bass improvement. These were named after the Dogs, hence their name. Woof, woof, woof. It's all dog whistles to me, that's for sure (bad joke). The first commercial Subwoofer was used in a recording in 1973 for Steely Dan's album, Pretzel Logic (Wikipedia is my source for all of this). Woofers were first used in 1974 for their surround sound effects, the ability to completely envelope a room in vibration in a movie fittingly called Earthquake. And Woofers were manufactured for public sale in 1974.

In 1974, there was a Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Libra. I've mentioned before that I think that really offensive loud sound is probably related to bad aspects between Saturn-Pluto & Mars. That combination was prominent in the charts I looked at of people who suffer from Tinnitus. Saturn and Pluto working together represent really deep fears and intense need for control. They also represent sewage. Often Pluto will bring to you the things that you fear the most. Saturn just likes to slip you a mickie Karma-wise and tell you that your suffering will make you wiser (he's usually right). At any rate, that conjunction in Libra shows that the control issues would be directed toward others in a way that is supposed to be used for aesthetics and balancing. Libra isn't known for violence but that's just because it has other methods. Libra is often prominent in charts of people are in the Government. The Government routinely uses sound for crowd control and torture. You think the neighbor's dog has a bad bark and bite, try the subwoofer that blasts microwaves (hugs from the U.S. Navy).

As for the supreme control thing, I never understood why anyone would want a Woofer on their stereo system until I got a small set of speakers on a new computer. Once you turn those things on you can't hear anything outside of your own wall of sound. Assuming that you want the wall, that is. I think that Jupiter and Neptune and Uranus types want the walls and have decided to think that their preference is socially perfect. I've noticed that leaders like Hillary Clinton and Al Gore who have spotless records as humanitarians are usually hated by these types. Clinton and Gore have Saturn-Pluto conjunctions. Yet the Feel Goods are the ones who like the Stereos. Neptunians and Uranians want people who they can feel good with, people they can share their new stereo system with. Hence the Astrological Wheel just keeps having to spin around....

Ken Kreisel, invented sub woofers in 1969 for Miller & Kreisel Sound Corp. His friend, Jonas Miller, sold the speakers through his store in Beverly Hills, Jonas Miller Sound. I don't have their birth dates. This is more of a personal bitch fest than an astrological blog post. So be it. I would really like to see their charts someday, though, although I realize that their customers are the ones with the problems.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

You sound like someone who doesn't appreciate music. At the risk of sounding like an insult, this usually means you are out of touch with your emotional life.

3:45 PM  
Blogger Out The Comet's Ass said...

I don't like hammering bass. I think it shows a whole couple of generations that is out of touch with its emotional (and intellectual) life. The need to be that oppressive is symbolic to me of man's oppressive relationship with his environment and need to be in power. But, that is only my opinion.

And, yes, I would say that emotionally I'm funking around with a different drummer.

4:10 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I'm currently reading High Fidelity Techniques", by John H. Newitt which was published in 1953 and uses the terms woofer and tweeter and refers to many commercial examples such as the woofers in Klipschorns


10:47 PM  

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