Out the Comet's Ass

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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Back to School in the Silicon Valley

Wow, CNN isn't even mentioning this story, but yesterday a 17-year old boy went into a local high school near the Silicon Valley, California and started setting off bombs. Rich politically correct liberals always know how to suppress their own news. All talk; no walk -- or actually more accurate description in this area: no talk; pill the brat.

So, yesterday morning I was looking at the current transits, a Grand Square involving Mars, Saturn, Pluto and Uranus, and Sun opposing Jupiter-Chiron-Neptune in Pisces, and I was thinking, why isn't the world blowing up today? Well, I guess that Athens is burning down. That's as bad as it gets. And certain gun carrying jerks in New Hampshire and Arizona ought to spontaneously combust on their own and they are running around on all fours, free as birds. This morning I found a couple of local WOW stories in the papers so in a really sick way I am vindicated.

If the article I'm reading is correct, a kid named, get this, Alex Youshock, went to his old High School armed with 10 pipe bombs, a sword and a chainsaw. Two of the pipe bombs went off before one of the teachers jumped him and tackled him to the ground. Nobody was hurt, but, geez, that was ballsy of the teacher. That's a grand square of Mars-Saturn-Uranus and Pluto for you, especially since earthquake season in this area doesn't start until next month, I guess.

First Day of School at Hillsdale High
Aug. 24, 2009 8am San Mateo, CA

Sun 2 Virgo; Moon 28 Libra; ASC 19 Virgo; MC 17 Gemini; NN 29 Capricorn

The Bases (i.e. Angles) are loaded in this chart with the Grand Square. As with all subject matter on the first day of school this is bonehead astrology. First of all, Mars is up in the 10th house in Gemini. Mars in Gemini? Kid blows up school, or tries to, nobody was injured and only two of the bombs actually went off. Mars is opposing Pluto down in the 4th House which is at the prominent Capricorn Point. That's mean and violent. Very bad timing to have these two opposing each other on the angles at opening bell. Freddie's back.

Meanwhile, Mercury and Saturn are in conjunction with the Virgo Ascendant from the 1st House (29 and 23 Virgo respectively). Uranus is opposing from the 7th House. With a last name like Youshock I suppose in this case the bomber is represented by Shock-Jock Uranus in the 7th House.

Mercury, ruler of lower education, rules both the Virgo Ascendant and the Gemini Midheaven. It is super strong right after 8 am because it is rising over the Ascendant. Mars in Gemini, Kid blows up School.

The Sun and Moon are also heavily afflicted in this chart. The Sun is at 2 Virgo opposing the Jupiter-Chiron-Neptune in Aquarius conjunction from the 12th-6th Houses.

The Moon (H2) is squaring Venus and the Nodal Axis (H11 and H5).

That's pretty crazy. Would be difficult to figure out a motive because it would look like there are multiple problems. Looks like there's a bad female influence here. With Pluto in H4, family secrets. Either way, with Virgo rising conjunct Saturn this boy can look forward to years and years of straight jackets, electro-shock and pills courtesy of the Dispensaries at Stanford.

Also in the paper is a report that the area had its 3d suicide of the year by a teenager. A 14 year old girl (Saturn opposition) walked onto the tracks in front of a commuter train. The pros are confirming that this is kind of like a localized epidemic. You thought the swine flu was bad, you should see how rich liberals treat their kids, more Virgo/Pisces.

I suppose that the Palo Alto area would suffer more than most when Pluto hits Capricorn, since the area is filled with repressed control freaks obsessed with their own career tracks. These kids would rather do anything than face getting a "B" in AP Chem.

(And nobody's reporting it, shame on you CNN).

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