Out the Comet's Ass

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Saturday, August 22, 2009

Was Pat Tillman's Death an Accident?

Recently I've been really curious to figure out if Pat Tillman's death was really an accident, a case of mistaken identity and "friendly fire" when he was killed while on duty in Afghanistan in 2004. The Military did everything it could to cover something up and to erase all traces of evidence surrounding the incident. They burned his suit, lied to his family, confiscated his diary.

Tillman had a strongly Scorpio chart with 5 planets conjunct the North Node in that sign, and, as an old teacher of mine said, "One thing about Scorpio is certain, they don't have to lead boring lives." At any rate, Scorpio is the most persistent sign, and of all the planets, Scorpio's ruler Pluto is most likely to continue speaking from the grave in order to seek Justice, or even to seek answers. With Mercury conjunct Uranus, the Sun, Mars and the North Node, I suspect that Tillman won't rest until the truth is told.

Justice? well, Justice isn't always available for situations that occur when t.Neptune is squaring the Nodes and the Sun.

So, at any rate, I'm looking at the charts. A long time ago I looked at Tillman's chart and at that point I remember seeing some sort of Chironic influence working for Tillman at the time. Have noticed before that Chiron seems to be involved when wrongs are committed against the innocent but that's only a guess of mine. If I'm using a close enough time for the event of Pat Tillman's death, Chiron would have been in the 3d house, sort of interesting considering that the word "fratricide" is the word used by Tillman's family for the reason that they suspect his death was covered up.

Pat Tillman
b. Nov. 6, 1976 San Jose, CA

Sun 15 Scorpio; Moon Taurus; NN 2 Scorpio

Pat Tillman killed
d. Apr. 22, 2004 Sperah, Afghanistan (I used Khowst because Sperah didn't pop up on my software), incident happened around 7 pm so the Ascendant is probably a bit off as well.

Sun 3 Taurus; Moon 7 Gemini; ASC 11 Scorpio; MC 16 Leo; NN 12 Taurus

The comparison charts hook up very strongly along the Taurus/Scorpio pole. I will try to look mainly at the event chart to see if it can describe whether or not this was an accident or intentional.

Rex Bills says that in Astrology Accidents are ruled by Mars and Uranus. Mistakes are ruled by Uranus with Pluto, which is Mars' higher octave.

When looking for a mistake one would expect to see these planets in hard aspect with each other which they are not doing directly in this chart. However, Pluto and Uranus rule two angles, the 1st House and 4th House of the Event Chart, so their presences are signifant in describing the root of the situation (Uranus) and people involved.

A whole lot of Tillman's natal chart is layered over the Ascendant/Descendant Axis of the event chart. His Nodal Axis, describing situations surrounding Destiny, was in opposition to itself, which would have indicated that he would have been pulled into an intense encounter surrounding his Fate at that time. It also would have indicated a time of confusion for him related to his destiny. Both the natal and transiting Nodal Axis was in the sign of Taurus and Scorpio which Komilla Sutton has said is the most complex and difficult of the Nodal Axes to live out. With Scorpio North Node, Tillman would have been getting sucked into deeper and deeper crises while being pulled through life. Scorpio is tenacious and focused and often offends and then wants revenge. Interesting that Tillman's South Node (path that one is pulling away from) is in Taurus, the sign of money. Tillman gave up a lucrative sports career in order to defend his country, and then was apparently began to fight the corporate (Pluto) mind of what the Government was actually doing in fighting these wars.

As Tillman's Sun-Mercury-Uranus-Mars stellium is conjunct his North Node he is shown strongly in the Ascendant of the Event Chart. Supposedly he was shot in the head 3 times from within a very short distance. That's directly expressed by the fact that his natal Mars was passing over the Ascendant because both Mars and the Ascendant are related to Aries, the sign that rules the Head. (It's a little confusing but I believe that the coroner suspected Murder in his case, something which the military denies.)

Mars is out of orb for conjunction with Uranus but the two are connected through the stellium. And both planets are in the sign of Scorpio which is ruled by Pluto. So the obvious rulers of "Mistakes" and "Accidents" -- Mars, Uranus and Pluto -- are shown in Tillman's natal chart and are passing over the Horizon at the time of his death.

Layered over this are both the Event Nodal Axis and Tillman's natal Axis. And in the sign of Taurus and Scorpio the problems won't be easy ones to solve. That's not good since Pluto rules Death and Pluto connected with Mars rules murder. With Uranus connected an Accident would be likely, or at least a sudden shocking event that no one was expecting.

Kind of weird that as a victim Tillman is represented by the Ascendant and not by the Descendant but I'm not all that great at understanding how to read event charts. And I always like to keep a lose interpretation of which end of an axis is playing itself out since they seem to always be playing a balancing act with each other.

Looking again at the event chart, we notice that the chart ruler is Pluto (Death, Sex, Taxes). Pluto is placed in the 2d House at 23 Sagittarius and it is conjunct Tillman's natal Venus at 21 Sagittarius. It is also opposing a conjunction of t.Venus and Mars and Lilith in the 8th House (event chart). Death and Murder. Mars-Pluto contacts are often related to murder and rage. So are Venus-Pluto contacts, also involved in deep resentments. (Lilith was there as well which is never a good sign, in mythology Lilith killed her own children to get back at her husband, or some story like that). The Gemini Moon was just passing out of the 8th House and into the 7th House and was still within conjunction of the 8th House cusp. The Moon adds to the rage aspect.

3 of these elements directly rule "women" so I'm really confused by the chart. Was a woman involved? 8th house rules Secrets as well. Moon can rule "The Public". Venus can rule "Diplomatic Relationships" "Envy". And Mars rules "Military." And Lilith just sort of adds an element of "Whack out" to whatever it touches.

Also sort of interesting is trying to figure out whether the death was a case of Mistaken Identity or "Fratricide." Gemini rules the 8th House of Death and Motives and literally rules Fraternity through its sign description. Also, Tillman's natal Mercury and Sun are in conjunction to the degree and conjuct the Ascendant. Saturn rules the 3d house cusp (event chart) and Chiron (wounded healer-teacher) is placed in that house.

Interesting how Taurus/Venus/2d House rule possessions and Tillman's armor and possessions (such as his diary) were burned almost immediately after his death which is really, really weird (and totally damning, imo, there's really no need to waste time on the astrology).

Messing things up more is Neptune. Neptune is the smoke screen of the zodiac and makes everything unclear. And Neptune is conjunct the IC in the event chart and squaring the Nodal Axes/ASC-DESC axis and the Sun and all the Sun's buddies. The IC or 4th House cusp rules the end of life. Neptune would rule cover-ups.

The IC can literally just plain old rule the environment describing the event and there may have been low and unclear visibility. Mistaken identity? Perhaps nobody really saw, or wanted to see, what happened. Neptune rules denial.

Interesting that Tillman's Saturn in Leo is opposing this transiting Neptune. Saturn in Leo is an excellent indicator of the military as Saturn rules Authority and Government and Leo rules Generals and Leaders. Considering that his natal Sun in Scorpio square to Saturn in Leo was placed directly over the Ascendant and Midheaven, Tillman, may have behaved in an overly commanding way.

Interesting that Tillman was born with a major aspect trine aspect between Saturn and Neptune natally as well. This mirrors the way that his natal Saturn is opposed by t. Neptune and squared by the Nodal Axes in the event chart. I keep wondering if major events don't happen to a person when major outer planet aspects in the sky mirror major outer planet aspects in the natal chart.

So who's represented by the Taurus Descendant? That would indicate the guy holding the gun I suppose. Since he's on the Descendant this shows that he felt he was being approached and attacked. This brings in Venus once again. Tillman was going through a Venus opposition that was connected to a Mars-Pluto opposition. That reinforces his vulnerability to a violent act at the time.

Tillman's natal Venus is conjunct his n.Neptune and so trining his Saturn. This adds another tie into the Saturn-Neptune aspect which is probably key for understanding what's going on here.

And that's a problem because Saturn and Neptune working together is a sign of martyrdom. It's a great aspect for artists and philosophers but not for warriors.

So, this hasn't clarified anything. When I see strong Scorpio to Neptune squares I assume that someone is lying. Those two working together generally show a big lie and a big cover-up. I hope that eventually the real story may come out and someone is held accountable.

Hopefully it wouldn't cause more harm than good for the truth to be known. That's one of the selling points for why this kind of aspect exists.

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Blogger California Girl said...

Lets not besmirch Lillith's reputation! She was Adam's first wife. She refused to assume the missionary position and lie under him during sex. She wanted equality. Thus she was banished and became "the mother of demons". Which is pretty much what ancient Hebrews would say about a woman who defied their culture so they could maintain a patriarchal society. She never did anything wrong to her children.

6:42 AM  
Blogger Out The Comet's Ass said...

Ooo, I don't know, California Girl.

Some women really do devour everything in their site. The psychologists call it bipolar disorder now. That's a cop-out, of course. Both of the female psychologists I've known personally were nympho and very power hungry. There's a real sense of being unfulfilled in that type of personality.

I like the Lilith myth. It takes an honest look at how some powerful women act and that's complicated. Powerful people don't want equality, they want to be the most powerful, so I don't know if I can see Lilith as connected with equality.

Just checked Wiki, Lilith is connected with death of children, but you may be right that she didn't kill her own -- in the physical sense at any rate. It seems there are a lot of different versions of Lilith out there.

At any rate, your interpretation works with regards to Pat Tillman's death and the reasons why he may have been intentionally killed (if he was).

12:53 PM  

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