Out the Comet's Ass

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Monday, August 10, 2009

Barbara Brennan

Right now, I'm listening to a cassette of some lectures that Barbara Brennan gave back in the early 1990s. Brennan has been one of the leaders in the Intuitive Healing movement and it's always inspirational to listen to such inspiration and I'm in need of inspiration right now. When I'm listening to recordings in the car the speaker must compete not only for my undivided attention (impossible) but must also speak over the road noise. Fortunately my player goes into auto rewind mode and I have to let a single tape run a few times through before I can begin to even listen. In addition to that I self-profess that although I have from time to time been involved in a healing I have no natural ability for any kind of healing class as I'm a very jealous, resentful & bitter person (and justly so, the stories I could tell). At any rate, I'm no Barbara Brennan and will never hope to be. I still like to expose myself to these styles of existence because they are definitely among the best that the World has to offer. And, of course, I have the Gemini Rising and the 3d House Mercury so I'm perpetually curious about just about everything. And while listening to the tapes I was obsessively itching with that burning question, "What's her sign?" I forced myself to finish at least 2 tapes before looking it up. I knew that Uranus and Neptune would have to be prominent, those are the signs of a miracle worker, but I was detecting a Taurus tinge of something... (Uranus and Neptune right, Taurus ... well, maybe not).

Without a birth time it's impossible to know what Barbara Brennan is astrologically. The noontime chart for her birth date is so close to the Aquarius/Pisces cusp that it's impossible to say whether she's an Aquarius Sun or a Pisces Sun. If born in Wisconsin (I'm not sure of birth place) the Sun passed into Pisces between 7am and 8am!

And it's the same thing with her Moon! At noon her Moon is placed at 5 Pisces! She might have a new Moon in Aquarius. Or she might have a New Moon in Pisces. Or she might be an Aquarius Sun with Pisces Moon just like Dick Cheney. Wouldn't that be weird and a major reason to quit astrology!!!

Barbara Brennan

b. Feb. 19, 1939 Oklahoma (please see note posted by Anonymous down below)

Sun Aquarius or Pisces; Moon Aquarius or Pisces; NN 13 Scorpio

Well, anyway. These two signs rule Intuitive abilities and Psychic Abilities so I suppose the chart is right on track either way.

The rulers of both signs are set off prominently in Brennan's natal chart as well. Neptune is unaspected at 23 Virgo, which gives great prominence into the combined areas of Psyche and Health. And Uranus is a singleton in the Fixed Sign, in Taurus, and conjunct Brennan's South Node in Taurus. Her North Node is in Scorpio, showing a destiny which wants to delve deep into the cosmic goo.

I read an interview with Brennan (and, sorry, lost the link) in which she describes that she had been working as a Physicist for NASA when in the early 70's two things led her into the woo-woo. The first was watching civil rights riots from a roof top in Washington DC. Talk about an out of body experience. The second was a car accident which led her to seek alternative forms of healing. (That will literally throw you out of your body). The riots and the car accident seemed very Uranus/Mars so I had to look at the progressions to see if these planets were connected with her transformation. And the findings were very interesting.

First off, transiting Pluto would have passed over her natal Neptune in Virgo a couple of years before, in the late 60s. So she may have been having an ego wipe out of some sort. These two are meant to create a great psychic awareness. They can, in Noel Tyl's apt terms, also bring an Ego Wipe Out. Basically most people won't "go there" unless there is some serious loosening up.

Secondly, she would have been just past her Saturn Return in Aries (there's some Mars action) in the early 70s. That's a time in life when one evaluates one's accomplishments and decides on the next course of action.

The progressions that come right after this are very powerful. Brennan's progressed Sun passed into Aries around 1970 and was squaring her progressed Mars in first degrees of Capricorn. This square stayed in effect all through the early 70s. So there's the Mars stuff: the riots, and the car accident. This square (challenge) happened on the Aries Points which indicates events that will lead to coming before the public.

Another relevant progression is Progressed Mercury which was slowly changing direction and turning Retrograde from 1971 to 1973. It was in the sign of Aries as well and it was conjunct Brennan's natal Saturn. Mercury literally rules cars. Saturn rules breaks. Saturn in Aries is not well placed. It combines Saturn with the energy of Mars, a combination which has been referred to as trying to drive with the brakes on. How interesting what a difficult Mercury, Mars, Saturn conbination can bring out of a Uranus and/or Neptunian type of person.

It's really interesting to observe that an Rx Mercury was taking place as Brennan's new career took off because normally this is considered to have a difficult effect on communications. She may have sort of gave up on the verbal, day to day stuff and found that it led to something bigger. Retrogrades can be very creative (or frustrating) and make a person rework and rethink things. On the other hand, she describes in that interview how she actually switched from studying Outer Space to Studying Inner Space. This transfer from Outer to Inner is perfectly described by a strong progression over the Aries Point where the end of the Astrological Wheel swings around to meet the Beginning. The Ouroboros is the ancient symbol for a healer as well!

So, just for fun, I also had to look at Brennan's chart to see what it's going to be doing for the 2012 thing. I just get really curious about these kinds of thing. I mean, if, like, you know ahead of time that the Space Ship is going to carry some of us off, you know it's going to have Barbara Brennan on it. I mean, she's practically Sigourney Weaver in that regard.

Will Barbara Brennan be ready for 2012? (tsk, tsk, stupid question). Will she fight the Alien? Will she save the cat?

Well, on 12/21/2012 we have transiting Sun at 1 Capricorn squaring t.Uranus at 5 Aries. This is layered on top of the same spot as where Brennan's progressed Sun-Mars square was when she began her life's work as a healer! Most of the rest of her chart is receiving a conjunction or opposition transit as well.

Pretty amazing. What's Ridley Scott's phone #? We've got a new pitch for him.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! Not read all your post yet. Barbara was born on 19th February 1939 in Drummond Oklahoma. She is pisces with aquarius rising. She always said she had five planets in pisces and was very piscean (similar to her early teacher Rosalyn Bruyere who is also pisces with aquarius rising.)

Best :))

3:49 AM  
Blogger Out The Comet's Ass said...

Wow, thanks for this info. Pisces with Aquarius Rising, well that's incredible.

8:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

heheh heyyy, can't wait to hear an update on it. Her husband, Eli Wilner she said is aquarius with pisces rising.

3:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know if my comment was edited or I didn't put it before but the birth time for that would be about 7.20am.

3:10 PM  
Blogger Out The Comet's Ass said...

Noooooooo, are you kidding?!!! Her husband is the opposite of her? Wow. That's soooo mutual reception-y. Do they have kids?

Thanks for the extra birth info! Wow, whadda chart. I don't think I'm going to be able to read it! Sun is at 00 Pisces 00 conjunct the ASC which is 29 Aquarius 49 conjunct the Moon which is 2 Pisces something. And Mercury is there and Jupiter is there. And Mars is conjunct her MC to the degree. Teehee, she really is a human xray machine.

What was I saying about the Sun and Mars again? Turns out they are extremely prominent on the angles in her natal chart.

Sounds like you know Barbara Brennan really well. Is her chart in astrodatabank?

10:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Helloo. Well though I know everyone's five planet astrology (sun, merc, mars, moon, venus, asc) in the world and a bit about houses I dont' know much beyond that. No they don't have kids, she has a daughter who is a healer and in her Hands of Light book (first self-published by Pleiades books) mentioned a son. Her husband is a famous frame dealer. He was I think part of the polish royal family that escaped to America during the war, something like that. There are some videos with him on you tube. He found in his mid 20s he had a great business after it's first year because he went round rescuing period frames from the trash. He is a great frame sculptor though. They do the president's frame sculpting and frames lol. Barbara always said she had five planets in pisces but if she was born on the 19th I don't see with aquaruis rising how she had that which she said she had aquarius rising. I spent the best two years on her course in Austria :)

1:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love all the post, I guess the info doesn't change the excellent idea of a 2012 progression reading?

1:45 AM  

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