Out the Comet's Ass

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Monday, July 20, 2009

Jupiter Hit By UFO!!!

No, this isn't a National Enquirer headline. Something really did hit Jupiter and NASA snapped a photo. How's that for a literal interpretation of the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Aquarius?

Neptune rules photography, Aquarius rules Technology and Outer Space. And there's even another reference that dates back to events in 1994 (see yesterday's blog entry) so Capricorn is somehow involved. That's when a Comet slammed into Jupiter. I'm jealous. What was that other comet's name? Forgot. Oh well.

Apparently an amateur photographer saw the collision first and then NASA caught the photo on Monday morning at some point (I think the collision date is 7/19-20/09 but am not real sure). Ouch! Yahoo article here.

That's the 40 year anniversary for the U.S. landing on the moon, maybe even a Saturn-Uranus-Pluto in Virgo/Pisces cycle is involved.


Wonder what the Astrology would look like from Jupiter's point of view. I think he has a bunch of Moons of his own so our little Eclipses here on Earth aren't to blame for his woes. He's just too big and too gravitational. Oooh, this is reminding me of my Magic Federal Reserve Chairman Ben the Jupiterienne. Don't ever let this economy get better, Ben. I can't live without your cute face plastered all over the media.

What was I talking about? Oh, forget it.

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