Out the Comet's Ass

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Thursday, July 19, 2007


The 19th Century in the United States is full of stories of how the European Settlers drove the Native Americans off their land. I've studied a little bit of the charts of Geronimo (Apache) and Black Elk (Sioux). There's also a story from the Comanche History that I was particularly interested in. It tells of the last time the Comanches used advice from a psychic in planning for a battle.

The Comanche Medicine Man, Isatai, told his chief, Quanah Parker, that God would stop the bullets in the White Man's guns if they would attack a Buffalo skin trading post in Texas. Quanah organized the Comanches and a few other tribes and attacked the Settlers at Adobe Walls. Parker was shot twice and many Native Americans were lost. Mostly, they began to understand the power of this superior warfare and they also never used psychic advice again before going into battle. Here is the story in Quanah Parker's own words: http://famousamericanindians4.homestead.com/Quannahsspeech.html

Date of Adobe Walls attack

June 27, 1874 dawn (I used 5am) Hutchinson Country, Texas

Quanah Parker, last Comanche Chief

b. 1845-49 (according to Wikipedia) b. 1852 (according to a placard) White Mountain Region, Oklahoma


b. around 1850 Texas.

I've been stewing over this trying to look for astrological clues. I knew that there was the big conjunction of Neptune and Pluto in Gemini in 1891-92 which could possibly have had something to do with the dissolution of the Native Americans.

Since Neptune rules psychic abilities, I just looked up Neptune's placement for the day of this battle to see if it was afflicted. Indeed, Neptune had just changed signs from Aries to Taurus that month, 2 weeks before the battle. Aries is the sign of the Warrior which is what the Comanches excelled at. I'm not sure how Taurus' psychic abilities manifest but I'm certain that it would be much more materialistic in nature than Aries'. One would suddenly have to accept the reality of all things material, especially bullets. This was emphasized at the Battle of the Adobe Walls as Neptune was in conjunction with the Taurus North Node. The Comanches never took the advice of a psychic before entering battle again.

You'll notice that the 5am time for this date puts a Sun-Mars conjunction right on the Ascendant so Isatai was pretty accurate at harnessing the Aries energy. If he was born in 1850 one can see why. During that year, Saturn, Uranus and Pluto were all in Aries for the most part. In July, Uranus and Pluto were conjunct on the last degree of Aries-first of Taurus, same spot that Neptune was passing over the month of the Battle of the Adobe Walls.



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