"Predictable Astronomical Events"
Jan Curtis is a Climatologist/Photographer in Wyoming or somewhere up where the Aurora Borealis flares. He or She has compiled a great list of planetary cycles and transits.
Here's the link. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to get to the lists.
Here's the link. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to get to the lists.
link: http://climate.gi.alaska.edu/curtis/astro.html
On the introductory page, Curtis wonders about whether there is some astronomical reason between different events happening on earth. 25 years to the minute that the Astronauts landed on the moon, a bolt of lightening struck a tree very close to Curtis. At that point a comet was crashing into Jupiter. Here are the 2 times for the events, as far as I can tell:
Apollo 11
Man's First Step on Moon: July 20, 1969 10:56pm EDT
Lightening Strike: July 20, 1994 10:56pm EDT (not sure where so am using EDT)
(I've probably got the times screwed up but here's a couple of the sweet details, relations of Pluto, Node, Vertex, Sun and Ascendants with Uranus in conjunction with another big planet. I know that Alice McDermott has found that the Vertex shows fated encounters, for sure Nodes and Pluto do. But, like I said, I've probably got the wrong times here.)
Both Charts have Sun 29 Cancer, Ascendant 19 Pisces, Vertex 26 Virgo.
Lightning Strike has Pluto 26 Virgo conjunct NN 22 Scorpio.
Moon Walk has Pluto 24 Virgo conjunct Vertex 26 Vertex and South Node 23 Virgo conjunct Descendant.
The Lightning Strike has Neptune conjunct Uranus in Capricorn opposite Sun.
The Moon Walk has Uranus conjunct Jupiter at 1 Libra with Moon just past conjunction at 12 Libra.
Labels: Cycles, Pluto-Nodes, Returns, Vertex
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