Out the Comet's Ass

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Friday, July 13, 2007

Bouncing Baby Girl Survives Great Odds

On Wednesday, in China, a baby girl was tossed out an 8-story window by her inebriated Father. Her mother left them 2 months ago and the Father, tweeked out on tranquilizers and Tsing-Tao, was arguing with his Mother-In-Law about not being able to take care of the baby. The M-I-L reportedly handed the baby to the Father who then tossed her out the window: July 11, 2007, 4:30 pm (Wednesday), Jiangqiao Town, Shanghai, China. The Father's name is Yu Dongrui; he's 26 years old and he's now in jail. (Have you ever read that Raymond Carver story about the divorcing couple fighting over who's going to take the baby?).

Miracle of miracles! The little girl survived with only a broken leg! Some tree branches broke her fall and she managed to land on some soft dirt in a flower bed. It's like a fairy tale.

Here's the story: http://www.shanghaidaily.com/sp/article/2007/200707/20070713/article_323227.htm. What I want to point out Astro-wise is that the baby is said to be 10-months old. This means that she was probably born last September perhaps around the same time as Evelyn Frayre and Anna Nicole Smith's daughter Dannie Lynn. I wrote about their charts here: http://outthecometsass.blogspot.com/2007/06/evelyn-frayre.html. The fact that the trees and flowers and dirt saved this little girl's life sure do indicate an uncanny ability to survive in the world. I truly hope I don't hear another tragic story about a baby born in September, 2006 but as they all seem to survive, I can appreciate when Miracles unfold.

I'm having trouble locating the exact town so probably am not pulling up a correct chart. Either way, the Ascendant for 4:30pm is maybe between 7 - 16 degrees Sagittarius.

I suppose if I had to choose a sign that indicates "Bounce" it would be Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter. This Event chart shows Jupiter right on the Sagittarius Ascendant. Pluto is also in the 1st house in Sagittarius. Jupiter on the Ascendant is opposite the Moon (Baby) in Gemini on the Descendant. Both are squaring the North Node in Pisces. This sets up for the drugged out environment and hysterical reactions. Moon in Gemini on the 7th House cusp, a Dual Sign on the relationship angle containing the planet that rules homelife and babies. What bigger indicator for a Divorce situation, especially with "I did it my way" Jupiter opposing from the Ascendant?

The Sun is in Cancer (Family) in the 8th house (Shared Resources/Burdens as well as Murder) and this disposits back to the Moon on the 7th house cusp. The IC and MC are both on the Aries and Libra Aries Points with no planets in either of the parental houses. Obviously this story has made International headlines which explains the Aries Points. Cardinal Signs just want to start over, whatever the cost. (Of course, if I'm using the wrong coordinates for the chart none of this applies anyway.)

I'm not sure what symbolizes defenestration as it's a subject that doesn't come up often. Rex Bills gives rulerships of "Windows" to (Neptune, Gemini) and interestingly enough Neptune is conjunct the 3d house cusp opposite Saturn and Venus in Leo. I suppose the Venus in Leo in the 9th House simply shows a courageous little girl with bounce. There's that Sagittarius influence again.

Of course, there is the Saturn-Neptune opposition which finally made it's last exact conjunction last month. The obvious Saturn-Neptune symbolism is "Drunk Daddy" which is shown very literally here. This is an aspect that either brings out your inner Mozart or your inner Trailer Park.

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