Out the Comet's Ass

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Thursday, July 05, 2007

Lost Wallet Returned After 40 years

Here's another story about a Lost Wallet being returned years after it was lost, this time the lapse was 40 years. http://kgmb9.com/kgmb/display.cfm?storyID=11860&sid=1183. The following is a totally insane use of Astrology. I'm sure there's some technique to use here that I don't know about. I just don't remember ever hearing these bizarre stories of things being returned to their owners after zillions of years with this frequency. I also looked at another Wallet that had been stolen and thrown into a wall in a theater and a stolen car that was returned.

Steve Vrablik, Jr., who now lives in Sarasota, Florida lost his wallet 40 years ago while stationed as a Marine at Fort Smith in Honolulu, Hawaii in 1966 or 67. Some construction workers found the wallet while tearing down the wall of a bathroom at the military base on Thursday, June 28, 2007. The Marines returned the Wallet to Vrablik yesterday, July 4. He liked seeing his Military ID the most. Included were also photos of his parents and his two girlfriends at the time. One was Brunette and one was Blond. He said he married the Blond but should have married the Brunette. After looking at the pictures I have to say I agree. Why am I writing this?

In 1967, Uranus was in Virgo opposite the spot where it is now in Pisces. On June 28, Jupiter and the Moon (memories) were in Sagittarius squaring both Uranus positions. The Sun was exactly conjunct Mercury in Cancer (long memories, if you've ever known a Mercury in Cancer you know they have long memories). Venus rules Wallets and Saturn rules Walls and they were in conjunction in Leo. They were opposing Neptune and Chiron in Aquarius. And they were trining Jupiter, Moon and Pluto in Sagittarius.

Seems like a mutual reception thing between Uranus (weirdness, boomerangs) and Pisces (Lost) plus Jupiter in Sagittarius which is just Lucky.

You know, rulership of History is often given to Cancer, but I think it has more to do with Sagittarius (Academics, Writing) and Uranus and Neptune (Scholars and Monks). Uranus is the missing link that no one ever pays attention to but I think it's important just for its mental distancing and appreciation of innovation and change. Just thought I'd tack that on.



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