Out the Comet's Ass

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Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Tuna Commits Suicide in Aquarium?

A Bluefin Tuna swam head first into the glass window at the Monterey Bay Aquarium in California late Sunday afternoon. It was found the next morning lying on the bottom of the tank, but security cameras caught it ramming into the glass at 5:34 pm the evening before. It weighed 229 pounds and was 5 1/2 feet long. Here's the story: http://www.mercurynews.com/ci_6449003?IADID=Search-www.mercurynews.com-www.mercurynews.com&nclick_check=1.

For basic information, Aquariums are ruled by Pisces, Neptune and the Moon, according to Rex Bills. Windows are ruled Gemini, Mercury, Neptune.

This chart has 20 Sagittarius Rising so it is very similar to the other story I wrote about on July 13 "Bouncing Baby Girl..." about the Father in China who threw his baby daughter out a window. In that chart, ruler Jupiter, was conjunct the Ascendant. In this chart, Jupiter is in the 12th house of Fish and Aquariums. Jupiter is squaring the Pisces North Node in the 3d House. Neptune is in the 3d house also opposite Saturn and squared by Mars (Force). Gemini is on the Descendant with ruler, Mercury, in the 7th house.

Mars ruled the 4th house and was apex of a t-square so that explains swimming head first into the walls of one's "home."

I wanted to look at the chart to see if I could figure out if this was a mistake or intentional on the Fish's part. With Pluto conjunct the Ascendant and the Sun unaspected in the 8th House it would seem that Suicide is a strong possibility. With Jupiter on the Ascendant and Venus exactly conjunct the 9th House, I think this Big Fish just wanted to be set free.



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