Out the Comet's Ass

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Monday, January 21, 2008

Pluto Lights One Last Fire in Sagittarius

This will never happen when Pluto moves into Capricorn. Sweden is going to study the amount of Greenhouse Gases that Cows emit when they burp. http://enews.earthlink.net/article/top?guid=20080121/479426d0_3ca6_1552620080121770947499.

I don't know why we need to measure a Cow's burp but I do know that Capricorn is all about looking good in public and burping is not part of the curriculum. If they ever clone the burps and farts out of cows I know I will have to turn Vegetarian for once and for all. Holding it in for the sake of Global Warming...wow.

No one will be allowed to do much of anything in public let alone burp once Pluto hits Capricorn. The gas is just going to have to slowly force its way out through the skin, I guess. Sagittarius, on the other hand, excels at burping. I once worked with a Double Sagg who bragged that she could say "Dodge Daytona" under a single long burp. She did not however do it at work. Her Sun was obviously progressing through Capricorn. Maybe the Cows will just naturally let up on their own once Pluto moves into Capricorn.

This story also reminds me of my Brother's marriage. He's a Virgo and suffered terrible stomach problems all his life. He married a Double Capricorn and forever after refused to engage in our ritual burping contests. He said he was really struggling not to mess up the bathroom too much now that he was married. I don't think the Double Capricorn would have minded too much, there's just some sort of loss of decorum about the whole activity that one can sense really turns them off. So, at any rate, I was concerned about this because this would mean that I would have to come up with meaningful conversations if I was going to hang out with my brother and so far this had been the only thing we shared in common. In the end, the Capricorn figured out that my Brother is allergic to dairy and since cutting all milk out of his diet his stomach problems have completely subsided. That's the good side to Capricorn. They like to fix problems and often have the intelligence to do it.

I told two coworkers about my brother's problem, a Sagittarius and a Gemini. The Sagittarius immediately got a laughing fit and practically passed out gasping "No way! "No way!" I could tell she had had some amazing private moments at home with her hubby. The Gemini, Air Sign that he was, immediately launched his kean Geminian word skills in order to find a socially acceptable way to bring up the subject to one's significant other in a way which would articulate one's needs that was both direct and loving, gentle and friendly. Dryly, he pan-faced:

"Would you care to cut the cheese? Or shall I?"

I joined the Sagg until tears were coming out our eyes.

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