Out the Comet's Ass

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Monday, January 14, 2008

Your First Trines + Nodal Cycle

On my Trine Quest I decided to ferret out the ages we are when we go through our first Trine (applying). That is, the approximate age that we are when an Outer Planet trines our natal Planet. I just wanted to have a chart to visualize how these planetary energies fan out in our lives as they do in the sky.

The Trine is hopefully a time when we can capitalize on the talents that were presented at the first Sextile and the Challenges that we had to work through when presented with our First Square. As Retrogrades and oddball orbs shorten and lengthen each individual's personal cycle the Ages are approximate. Jupiter and Saturn, of course, represent how our Age Group handles the energy. The Outer Planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto represent how our Generation handles those energies. And, of course, everyone's got their individualized software of each planet spelled out according to their birth chart.

One interesting coincidence I've found is that the Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus trines correspond approximately with the Nodal Cycle. It seems that the trines could come in handy for balancing out the difficult transits of the Nodal Cycle. God works in mysterious ways. I've added Nodal Cycles in parentheses.

1st Jupiter Trine: slightly less than Age 4 (1st Nodal Square)

1st Saturn Trine
: around Age 9 (1st Nodal Opposition/Inversion)

1st Uranus Trine
: around Age 28 (2d Nodal Opposition/Inversion plus 1st Progressed Moon Return and 1st Tertiary Sun Return!! -- what can I say? Uranus likes a crowd)

1st Neptune Trine:
around Age 54.7

1st Pluto Trine:
very irregular. People who are Middle Age now have experienced Pluto transits much sooner than their parents and grandparents. This comes before the Neptune Trine now but I think it happened very close to the Neptune trine for earlier generations with Pluto in Gemini and Cancer.

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