Out the Comet's Ass

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Brother Eliot Rides Rough on the Mayflower

Okay, this is going to be a Quickie. Yes, that's right, it's about Eliot Spitzer. It appears from the headlines that he has indeed resigned from his "Position" as Governor of New York. I think it was because he was from so much pressure from the Late Night Comics. Spitzer had to quit because he got caught renting hookers from a House of Ill Repute. As Governor all his finances are inspected and once his tab ran up into the $80,000's bracket the FBI walked in. Gemini's aren't usually this dumb, wonder what happened.

I don't know what kinds of moralistic things Spitzer tried to fix in his short term as Governor but I'm pretty sure his fall isn't about Morals. I also live on the West Coast in the Land where Anything Goes so I wouldn't know how to play the game out in sophisticated New York. But Morals? The Bush Administration would have been long gone if this were a problem.

Spitzer hired a Brunette, 5'4", 105 lb. Commodity to take a train to Washington DC and book a room in the Mayflower Hotel so that he could beg her to do it without a condom. I think I read that he paid for 4 hours from 10:00pm on Feb. 13 to 2 am on Feb. 14. But Spitzer only used her for 2. I told you this was all about Quickies. I've also warned to never even think of trying to find Love on Valentine's Day. It never ever works.

Eliot "Client 9" Spitzer

b. June 10, 1959 Bronx, NY

Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah. He's a Gemini. They're polygamous. I forgot to write down his chart stuff down. Where's his Moon? Oh yeah, that symbolizes his Wife and she's

Silda "First Wife" Spitzer

b. Dec. 10, 1957 Chapel Hill, NC

Comparing charts here gets interesting.

Mr. and Mrs. Spitzer have Suns which exactly oppose each other. Eliot's is 19 Gemini and Silda's is 19 Sagittarius.

Their Venus's (Her Planet) also oppose each other. Eliot's at 4 Leo (conjunct his Mars 6 Leo) and Silda's at 3 Leo.

The couple's Mars's (His Planet) are in squaring signs. Mars in the charts does throw some klinkers in the nuptial bliss with its intensity. Squaring Signs challenge each other, for one. But, these challenging aspects between Venus and Mars really increase the sexual attraction.

Eliot's Mars is conjunct his Venus and Uranus and possibly his Moon which is a fairly kinky aspect. He's got quite a Sex drive going there. This combination also makes for a really nice person but in Leo the Hubris thing I guess got the better of him.

Silda's Mars is in Scorpio is unaspected. Unaspected planets, in Noel Tyl's terms, "runs away with the chart." So she likes a guy with a long whip. Probably she likes his ambition and is willing to give up a little in favor of success. Maybe less so now that her Sun has long progressed out of Capricorn.

Both Mr. and Mrs. Spitzer have the Moon at 3-4 degrees Leo in the Noontime charts. So that means they have either Cancer or Leo Moon. They really are in sync with each other for Better or, um, Worse. There's a problem with some squares between Mars and Neptune. On the positive side I think this makes a couple want to help others. On the negative side it makes them do weird, creepy things. This square is in Elliot's natal chart but also in their Marriage chart (along with a conjunction of Venus-Pluto-Mercury, ooo boy).

Example of a Marriage Chart that Leads to Great Political Success and Fall through a Hooker named Kristen who was Rented from the Emperor's Club:

Oct. 17, 1987 (place? New York)

Sun 25 Libra; Moon Leo? (Moon conjunct their natal Moons?); NN 3 Aries (no shit)

Mars conjunct Libra South Node squaring Neptune

The Most interesting part of this story are the Progressed Retrogrades that have occurred in this couple's lives so far. Thank God there are only two.

The first is, this isn't a surprise, Silda's Venus. Silda is a people pleasing Sagittarius. The women are people pleasers, but they are also freedom loving. They attract marriage like flies but can really struggle with the confines of boring old same old, same old. Silda's first marriage failed. She was married in 1982 for 29 days. So years later, she met Eliot and they decided to give it a go. Silda's Venus went Retrograde by Progression the Month after they got married. She's really been sticking this one out. Robert Blaschke's book on Progressions would have a great description for what prog.Venus Rx means. I don't have it nearby. Noel Tyl has described natal Venus Rx succinctly as the person develops Loveability issues. Their entire Libra (Venus) marriage has been ruled by Silda's feeling unloveable (deep down, of course). She's so pretty and intelligent. It would be interesting to look at her Juno placement. Maybe later.

The second Rx Progression is Eliot's Mercury. His P.Mercury went Retrograde in 2001-2. It's really interesting that his political career really took off at that point and has suffered from his overly Mercurial personality. Spitzer's Mercury went Retrograde while conjunct his natal Uranus in Leo. This doesn't imbue a sublte, sweet communication style. He became a Crusader and Truth Teller for all kinds of Noble Causes. Unfortunately he began to yell at everyone and brag about what a Steamroller he was. It's very appropriate that Spitzer was caught through Mercury-Uranus means, through surveillance on his electronic accounts. Spitzer's Progressed Sun is moving into conjunction with p.Mercury and progressed and Natal Uranus so work-wise he may really take on even more of a crusade. I'm not sure, I think prog. Sun might just be finishing up with the conjunction to his Venus and Mars so he may be spent in those departments. It's not worth it if you have to use a condom.

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