Out the Comet's Ass

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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Spy Satellite Launched



The Military just announced a successful launch of a Super Secret Spy Satellite that was blasted off the California Coast early this morning. I just had to know if Pluto (Spying, Sabotage) and Neptune (Illusion) were prominent in the chart.

Spy Satellite Launched / Where and Why We Do Not Know

Mar. 13, 2008 3:02 am Vandenberg Air Force Base, California

Yay! The Military doesn't know what it's doing in Iraq but it sure is awesome talented at picking charts to launch secret missiles. The Sun here is in Pisces conjunct Uranus right over the 3d House cusp. That's great for communications and technology which can express itself through Illusion and Deception. The Sun is also sextiling Jupiter in the 1st House which strengthens the success of the launch. This will be an effective aid in International Affairs which, frankly, we're going to need when that Pluto-Uranus-Saturn t-square hits. The Internet might go kablooey big time.

But, here's the best part about this chart, exactly what I wanted to find. Pluto (Spies) is conjunct the Ascendant by 2 degrees. It's 2 degrees rising off the cusp from the 12th house. Sneaky, very sneaky. And it's opposite Mars which is conjunct the Descendant to the Degree. This shows that we're being very provocative and pissing everyone off with our power tripping which we're blaming on them, and, in this case, we might have more power.

Ruler of the Chart, Saturn, is in the 8th House of, guess what?, Spies! It's opposing Mercury and the North Node in Aquarius and involved in a Mystic Rectangle with the Pluto-Mars/ASC-DESC oppositions.

The Moon is in Gemini conjunct the 6th House cusp which shows Data Collection. The Moon's only aspect is a square to Saturn Rx which shows that maybe some of the technology is already out-of-date. There's a strong need to be prepared.

The huge cluster of planets in Aquarius and Pisces is mainly in the 2d House of Values, Money, Voice, & Banking. Wonder who we're spying on. Well, Neptune in H2, that's Oil in the Money House, sounds like something we might be interested in. They can't tell us who they're spying on. Oh, well, let's guess. (Let's assume it's not us). Cancer on the DESC with Mars conjunct Cusp. Mars and Moon are Out-of-Bounds and Parallel. Some underdeveloped or very young Country who's very emotionally threatening.

I wonder if they'll get some good stills of certain Dictators in the shower. That's an ugly thought.

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Blogger Jude Cowell said...

Great post! stay outta my shower, jc ;p

6:18 PM  
Blogger Out The Comet's Ass said...

Omigod! They did this on March 13!!! Creepie. Thanks for pointing this out!

2:02 PM  

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