Out the Comet's Ass

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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Fargo, North Dakota Floods Subside

If I understand things correctly The River froze and saved the people of Fargo, North Dakota from devastation of their city. According to the article I read which I don't have a link to, water rose to 40.82 feet around Midnight last night where it has hopefully crested. Not sure how high it was going to have to go before the town flooded, seem to remember that it was within a few feet of breaching the Levies. The people of Fargo have been stacking Sand Bags for a couple of days now.

The Astrology is fascinating. Saturn was conjunct the Virgo Midheaven opposing Mars in Pisces. I've been obsessed with my new Keyword for this aspect saying that it signifies a Wall or something having to do with a wall. If you are expecting a flood you certainly don't want to have Pisces which represents floods on the IC which probably also represents Floods due to its rulership from Cancer/Water. Mars is impulsive and just makes things happen swiftly. The difference here apparently is that Saturn rules Safety and Caution and Control and was opposing Mars. It was doing its job in Hero format. It has been extra strong these days up in the skies because it is the handle of a Bucket Chart pattern with all the rest of the planets clumped together on the opposite side of the chart.

Very interesting also is that the other Water Sign, Scorpio was just about finished rising. Scorpio represents Control, like Saturn, but sometimes can represent Crises. Pluto would have soon moved into the 1st House which is empowering. I think that Pluto and Saturn might represent situations which are cooling/icing so maybe that has something to do with things. Either way, the Moon and Sun were both in firey Aries, the Sun's conjunction to Venus Rx was exact to the degree. This would have had a warming effect as Aries is a Fire Sign but maybe also helped the people to build higher levies with an energizing effect.

By 2 pm today it is looking as if the River really doesn't intend to flood the city. At that point, Saturn had just passed over the opposite spot, the IC. The Moon had changed from Aries to Taurus, guess I should check the Void of Course stuff, hmmm, sort of in a hurry.

Pretty interesting that the World celebrated Earth Hour just a few hours before from 8:30pm to 9:30pm. Lights were supposed to be turned off in recognition of the massive stress man creates on the environment. I suspect that Earth Planet Saturn in Virgo an Earth Sign would especially appreciate that. Perhaps the Earth decided to let this one ride.

Floods begin to subside
Mar. 28, 2009, 12:01 am Fargo, North Dakota

Earth Hour
Mar. 28, 2009, 8:30-9:30pm Wherever you were

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