Out the Comet's Ass

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Monday, April 06, 2009

Very Large California Earthquakes, 7.0 +

My blog entries about California Earthquakes on Mar. 29 & 30 had some errors. I had said that there were no earthquakes while Uranus was in Aquarius but there had been indeed a major 7.1 near the Barstow area in 1999. The list below will be simple information on recorded Earthquakes over 7.0. I wonder if I haven't already done this.

I also said something else that was blatantly wrong, forget what it was, oh yeah, that California doesn't get earthquakes in July. In 1952 there was the Kern County Earthquake in July. In 1992 the Landers Earthquake hit in June.

Kern County is in Central California Inland. Landers is Southern Inland? Don't know. Down below are results of my having eyeballed the charts for the big earthquakes listed on Wikipedia which isn't scientific but is more accurate than my counting, trust me on that.

(As far as the stuff about the swarms in the Salton Sea area, I'm noticing that this Venus Rx in Aries is causing a lot of tension. She disposits to Mars which has been opposing Saturn and was in conjunction with Uranus before that. As the swarms down in that area were hitting Saturn was extra strong in a Bucket Aspect and as I said opposing Mars. Don't know if they're still going on but it makes sense that a Venus Rx in Aries would affect Palm Springs. It's like a Bleached Blonde waiting for the wind to lift her skirt up over her underpants (although I would never be so bold as to assume that she is wearing underwear)).

Looking at these major quakes I'm noticing that Uranus is on or very close to an angle. The Sun seems to be near the Horizon/Ascendant/over near the middle left hand side of the chart. Guess there might be some Marsian/1st house/Sun-Up Self Expression here. There's probably some scientific reason for this involving atmosphere and temperature. Pluto seems to be in the bottom half of the chart in all of these where he likes to be. These are huge quakes. Because a lot of California is not densely populated some of these occured without too much damage. I remember somebody on a forum once saying something about the placement of the Nodes during earthquake and found that it seemed to be a good marker and now I can't remember what it was.

The Lone Pine Earthquake Chart sure does seem similar to current astrological transits. The earthquake was back in 1872. This is when the Long Depression began on the Economic scene. I talked about that while watching the Stock Market crash last Fall. There was a Grand Square involving a Saturn-Uranus opposition in Capricorn and Cancer (respectively). And Jupiter was there. And the Moon was there. And Mars-Mercury-Neptune were all going ape face crazy in Aries. And Saturn opposite Jupiter-Uranus was on the ASC-DESC.

Neptune really is involved in Earthquakes. I keep going into denial about that. I wonder if it doesn't just have to do with the tension and stress that occurs between the Sign of Pisces and Aries. That of course the big Aries Point, the spot where Your End is Your Beginning, the Ourobouros thing, most Creative spot in the chart although a lot of the other signs for some reason don't admit that, don't know why. There were 2 major earthquakes during the Uranus-Neptune conjunctions in the 1990s and neither involved much damage to humans because they hit in sparsely populated areas where only really wrinkly people can stand to live. 29 Palms was created for Mustard Gas Victims from World War I who were given 5 acres of land and a shack to live in. I don't think they procreated much due to their illness and unhappy lives and if they did their kids would have left the area because it's God Awful.

I'm sort of thinking that Pluto shows the extent of the Damage and the Death Toll. Grim Reaper, Insurance Adjuster, same difference.

There's nothing consistent with Eclipse activity really. Except that often these Big Uns seem to happen when there are more than 4 Eclipses in a year. They also seem to happen during the longer span between sets. The Hector Mine Earthquake might be a result of the Aug. 1999 Total Solar Eclipse.

Something's gone screwball with the blogger program so there might be weird spacing.

1700 - Cascadia Earthquake (9.0) / subduction zone earthquake, should read a book I guess to know what that is. Fault Line: _______

Jan. 26, 1700 guessed around 9 pm. Epicenter somewhere off Oregon Coast?

Sun 8 Aquarius; Moon 26 Aries; ASC 24 Virgo; MC 23 Gemini; NN 16 Virgo

Damage said to have been huge, caused a Tsunami that hit Japan

Saturn 2 Pisces trine Uranus 8 Cancer (H10)

Eclipse: 5 Eclipses in 1700; earthquake sandwiched between 2 solars, neither tota
Solar Hybrid Sept. 23, 1699
Solar Partial Feb. 18, 1700

1857 - Fort Tejon Earthquake (7.9) / San Andreas Fault

Jan. 9, 1857 8:20 am PT Epicenter: Parkfield or Cholame

Sun 20 Capricorn; Moon 11 Cancer (c. Saturn 11 Cancer); ASC 8 Aquarius; MC 27 Cancer; NN 11 Aries

This is everything you want to see in an Earthquake chart. It's the largest known California earthquake and is thought to be connected with an interesting series of earthquakes that occurs in Parkfield on an average of 22 years. These earthquakes are all over 6.0 on the Richter scale.

This earthquake has an awesome earthquake chart astrology wise. Aquarius Rising, Uranus 22 Taurus conjunct the IC 27 Taurus opposing Scorpio Midheaven and squaring 1st house Mars 27 Aquarius (c. Venus).

This is a Full Moon earthquake with Sun opposing an exact conjunction of Moon-Saturn. This squares NN 11 Aries conjunct Jupiter 3 Aries. As noted below this is sandwiched between 2 total eclipses, both in Cardinal Signs.

Eclipse: sandwiched between two 2 total eclipses:Total Lunar Oct. 13, 1856
Total Solar Mar. 25, 1857

1872 - Lone Pine Earthquake (7.5-8.0 )

Mar. 26, 1872 2:35 am Epicenter: Lone Pine, CA Fault Line: ______

Sun 7 Aries; Moon 23 Libra; ASC 25 Capricorn; MC 16 Scorpio; NN 17 Gemini

Much Damage: 27 dead

-This earthquake happened during a Saturn-Uranus square which was part of a Grand Square.

-Saturn 21 Capricorn opposition Jupiter 21 Cancer-Uranus 28 Cancer crossing ASC/DSC
-Moon 23 Libra opposite Mars 19 Aries-Merucry 21 Aries-Neptune 24 Aries.

-Pluto conjunct IC

Eclipse: 5 Eclipses 1871 and 1872, sandwiched between 2 lunar eclipses, neither total
Appulse Lunar Dec. 26, 1871
Partial Lunar May 22, 1872

1906 San Francisco Earthquake 7.8 /

Apr. 18, 1906 5:12 am Epicenter: 2 miles offshore near Mussel Rock;

Sun 28 Aries; Moon 1 Pisces; ASC 19 Aries; MC 11 Capricorn; NN 18 Leo

Lots of Damage, 3000+ deaths

Eclipse: 5 Eclipses 1906, sandwiched between 2 solar eclipses, neither total
Feb. 23, 1906 Solar Partial
July 21, 1906 Solar Partial

Kern County Earthquake (7.3) /

July 21, 1952 4:52 am PDT Epicenter: South of Bakersfield, Fault Line: White Wolf

Sun 29 Cancer; Moon 24 Cancer; ASC 15 Cancer; MC ; NN ---

Lots of Damage, 12 deaths

Uranus 16 Cancer squaring Saturn 10 Libra-Neptune 20 Libra
Pluto conjunct SN in

New Moon in Cancer
Eclipse: 4 Eclipses 1952, sandwiched between total Solar and partial Lunar
Feb. 25, 1952 Solar Total
Aug. 5, 1952 Partial Lunar

1992 Landers Earthquake (7.3) Fault Line: _____

June 28, 1992 4:57 am Epicenter: Landers, CA (Lasted 2 - 3 minutes)

Little damage

Sun 8 Cancer; Moon 10 Gemini; ASC 28 Gemini; MC 9 Pisces; NN 1 Capricorn

Sun conjunct Venus 12 Cancer (& SN widely) opposing Uranus 17 Capricorn-Neptune 18 Capricorn.

Eclipse: 5 Eclipses 1992, In part of an Eclipse Set with Total Solar
Jun 15, 1992 Partial Lunar
Jun 30 Solar Total

1999 Hector Mine Earthquake (7.1)

Oct. 16, 1999 2:46 am PDT Barstow, CA (47 mile ESE) Fault Line: ______

Sun 23 Libra; ASC 1 Virgo; ??? MC 27 Taurus; Moon 10 Capricorn; NN 10 Leo??

little damage: 5 minor injuries

Neptune conjunct Uranus conjunct SN in Aquarius

Eclipse: 4 Eclipses 1999, sandwich between 2 Total Eclipses, one Solar and one Lunar. Related to big Total Solar Eclipse that contained a Grand Square that year?
Aug. 11, 1999 Solar Total
Jan. 21, 2000 Total Lunar

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Blogger California Girl said...

Landers is in the High Desert of So. Cal. Between Big Bear and 29 Palms. Interesting your note on 29 Palms. Our family got 5 acres near there from the Feds in 1956. Had to build a cabin and I think homestead it. Area is still sparsely populated.

10:54 AM  
Blogger Out The Comet's Ass said...

Thanks California Girl. Wow, that's so interesting about your family and homesteading. Where did you guys get your water from?

11:01 AM  
Blogger California Girl said...

We never lived there but people did/do either get water delivered, haul it in or the had a well dug (expensive).

3:15 PM  
Blogger Out The Comet's Ass said...

Oh yeah, wells! Doi. Thanks. So interesting. That's a very desolate spot, very beautiful in the Winter. I'm not a real hot weather person, though, and I don't like living around snakes and bugs.

5:55 PM  

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