Out the Comet's Ass

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Saturday, August 11, 2007

Prescott Bush and Geronimo, Thief's Bones

This is an addition to my blog about Geronimo written back in November where I found a common theme in Geronimo's (The Apache chief) chart in regards to his Saturn Returns. His Saturn is heavily emphasized in his natal chart. It's in Leo and I've come to think during this latest transit that this is a wild placement for Saturn leading to dramatic actions in life. Also, Saturn is involved in both a Kite pattern of 4 outer planets (Uranus opp. Saturn trine Pluto and Jupiter) and a Mystic Rectangle (Uranus, Pluto, Saturn, NN). This can indicate a person who strongly represents his Generation. It also seems to indicate that when he went through his Saturn Returns, many powerful elements of his chart lit up at the same time in strong aspect to themselves and to each other. Many elements of his life were interdependent on the others.

Subsequently, Geronimo went through unbelievable losses. First Return, his entire family was killed. Second Saturn Return, he surrendered his people to the White Settlers. On the 3d Saturn return he was dead and buried at Fort Sill in Oklahoma, but according to many reports his Bones (Saturn ruled) were stolen from his grave by Prescott Bush and a friend who were stationed at the base. Bush (GW's Grandfather) is said to have taken the bones with him to the Skulls and Bones society at Yale where they were used in ceremonies. On this last Return, his Grandson requested the Bones be returned and a memorial set up in New Mexico.

I looked at Prescott Bush's chart finally.

b. May 15, 1895 Columbus, OH

Sun 25 Taurus; Moon Aquarius; NN 20 Pisces


b. June 16, 1829 Turkey Creek, Arizona (date is from Wikipedia)

Bush had no planets in Fire and a Sun Singleton in Earth, otherwise he was all Water and Air.

Uranus in Scorpio is very strong in Bush's chart. It trines his North Node, opposes his Sun, rules the sign of his Moon and maybe even squares it. Combined with the Taurus Sun shows interests in Banking and Business, being able to distance one's self from the emotional side of things. Also, a humanitarian side, which brings in the Public Service side. Neptune rules his North Node and squares it. He was born during the Pluto-Neptune conjunction in Gemini with both planets in conjunction with their dispositor, Mercury. So the guy could tell a story, if you know what I mean. And he wouldn't be averse to stealing during his lifetime.

What's interesting with regards to Geronimo is the relationship of his inner Cancer planets to Geronimo's. They both had Venus and Mars in Cancer in conjunction with each other and out-of-bounds. When you consider that Cancer is the sign that rules domestic relations and patriotism this gets really interesting, because Geronimo held out longer than anyone against the white man. It's almost as if Prescott really was stealing Geronimo's spirit along with his bones. His chart certainly shows the psychic abilities to understand these forces if only on a subconscious level. Geronimo's chart shows lots of Fire. Stealing Fire?

Prescott's Venus is at 4 Cancer and out-of-bounds at 25 degrees 21 minutes N declination and Geronimo's is at 3 Cancer and out-of-bounds at 24 degrees 5 minutes N declination.

Prescott's Mars is at 15 Cancer and out-of-bounds at 24 degrees 7 minutes N and Geronimo's Mars is at 16 Cancer and out-of-bounds at 23 degrees 40 minutes N.

An interesting item to note regarding Prescott's Cancer planets is that he was one of the first advocates of Birth Control in the 1940's. During this time his Sun was progressing through Cancer and over these planets. This just strikes me as funny since Cancer is supposed to be the sign of procreation.

Is Prescott related to Prescott, Arizona by the way? Because Geronimo was born in Arizona just South of there.

My article called "Barfing and Bloodlines" shows a progressed Solar Connection between Prescott and first his son George the President and then his Grand Son, George the President II.

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