Out the Comet's Ass

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Monday, December 02, 2013

Surfing the 61 foot wave

Last December a surfer rode the largest wave in recorded history.  Yesterday's Sunday Chronicle contained a great article about the 61 foot monster and it's rider, Shawn Dollar. 


Dollar and his team rode out to a spot off the shore of San Diego.  This alone takes 8-9 hours to accomplish.

Largest wave ever surfed
Dec. 21 , 2012. 3:30 pm San Diego, CA. (Not precise location)

Sun 1 Capricorn; Moon 21 Aries;  Asc 14 Gemini; mc 24 Aquarius; nn 26 Scorpio

I wondered if Jupiter would place prominently in the chart as he, along with Neptune, rules all things enormous.  And yay,  Jupiter has just passed over the Gemini ascendant into Neptunes 12th house of large bodies of water. 

 Jupiter is apex of an exact Yod figure to a Saturn sextile Pluto.  Jupiter 9 Gemini inconjunct Saturn 9 Scorpio sextile Pluto 9 Capricorn.  Jupiter with Pluto seems often to signal record breaking moments.  That combines the idea of luck with forces of nature.  This yod conforms into a kite shape as Jupiter is opposing Venus 8 Sagittarius (h6).

Just as important is sun on an Aries Point (Noel tyl says this brings one before the public) and sextile Neptune also on an angle and strong in its own house (oceans) at 1 Pisces.  Pisces and Neptune also rule the feet.  Hang ten.

Just found Shawn Dollars birth date.  Looks like the moon was conjunct his Sun.

Shawn dollar
B. April. 12, 1981. Santa Cruz, ca



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