Out the Comet's Ass

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Friday, November 09, 2007

Fuel Spill in San Francisco Bay

On Wednesday a Fuel Barge passing through the San Francisco Bay hit one of the supports of the Bay Bridge and starting leaking fuel into the Bay. Much of the Wildlife in the area has been saturated with the stuff and a major recovery effort is going on to try to save as much as possible. Most of the beaches along the Bay are closed down. The Pilot of the ship is around 60 years old so he's just past his 2d Saturn Return. He received a citation just last year and one in 1997 and although he's been piloting ships for a long time it looks as if maybe his age is somehow affecting his job performance. Here's a link to a good astrology article yesterday: http://stellarinsights108.blogspot.com/2007/11/oil-spill-in-sf-bay.html. I looked at the chart and couldn't find anything that really stands out until I compared rulerships from Rex Bills. Here are some notes.

Barge hits Bridge, leaks massive amounts of fuel into San Francisco Bay

Nov. 7, 2007 8:20am San Francisco

Sun 15 Scorpio; 4 Sagittarius Rising; Moon 21 Libra; NN 5 Pisces

Leaks are ruled by Neptune. Oil and Gas are also ruled by Neptune. The North Node is in Pisces in the 3d House and was squaring the Ascendant. The South Node is in Virgo in the 9th house of Shipping. The Fourth House of Environment is empty but is ruled by Neptune. The Sun is conjunct the 12th house cusp and is squaring Neptune.

Ships; Shipping are ruled by: Moon, Neptune, Pisces, 9, Sagittarius, Jupiter

Sagittarius is Rising in this chart and ruler, Jupiter, is in the 1st House conjunct Pluto (crisis). The 9th House is ruled by the Sun (which is in H12 of Leaks) which disposes to Pluto which is conjunct Jupiter, ruler of the Chart and of Ships. They are in the 1st House about to rise over the chart.

Bridges are ruled by H3, Pluto, Saturn, Neptune.

Neptune is in the 3d House along with the North Node, Chiron and Uranus. Once again the Neptune-Uranus mutual reception strikes. Saturn is widely opposing Uranus from H9 of Ships.

The Grand Trine between Sun, Mars and Uranus. These planets in hard aspect are connected with Accidents. (Mars, Urnaus (H1, Aries, H3). Here they are in Water Signs and Water Houses and the Accident happened on the Water.

Jupiter rules the Chart here and is in the 1st House conjunct Pluto.

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