Out the Comet's Ass

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Thursday, May 29, 2008

Scott, we now know, Is Disgruntled

The headlines of the San Jose Mercury News use part of a quote by a White House Staff in describing ex-Bush Aida, Scott McClellan. It says "This is not the Scott We Knew." Wow. This is like something you say about a 3 year old or a person you've just had locked up in a Mental Hospital. McClellan is the former Bush Aide who has written a memoir about the experience which is said to not be very flattering to the President.

The entire quote that the White House released is:

"Scott, we now know, is disgruntled about his experience at the White House. We are puzzled. It is sad. This is not the Scott we knew."[8]

Is the White House Staff sad over this? Someone -- please get the Kleenex.

Scott McClellan

b. Feb. 14, 1968 Austin, TX (from Wikipedia)

Sun 26 Aquarius; Moon Leo or Virgo; NN 21 Aries Rx

Scott is one of those 60s babies with the Uranus-Pluto conjunction still in Virgo. Eric Francis caught a great interview with Donna Cunningham about these people and what they are going through transit-wise on his Planet Waves blog here: http://planetwaves.net/pagetwo/category/uac/.

McClellan's Uranus-Pluto conjunction is opposing a conjunction of Mars and Chiron in Pisces. This is a fairly willful combination that won't have a problem with rebellion, could also be considered a traitor/defector in some situations. McClellan was told to go before the World and lie for the sake of President Bush, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove and Scotter Libby during the Valerie Plame/CIA Leak, he Pluto was just moving into its square with his opposition.

The Pluto Square is much different for the Pluto in Virgo generation than it was for the previous generations as it comes so much earlier in life. Pluto represents crises but also a desire to transform. This is the first generation to have grown up in Divorced families en masse so the generation was literally branded for mutability early on in life. The mid-60s people have Pluto conjunct Uranus.

McClellan made his Speech/Lie on Oct. 10, 2003. His Sun had progressed to 1 Aries, the spot where transiting Pluto is now. He is publishing his memoir of working for the Bush Administration and is, in my opinion, empowering not only himself by coming clean, but empowering (and cleansing, don't forget it's Virgo, first things first) the Nation.

Transiting Uranus was also in strong aspect in his chart. It was passing over his natal Sun-Mercury Rx conjunction in its own sign of Aquarius. This man has been due to create some shock waves.

Funny, I was just thinking yesterday how some world leader needs to call Bush up and say, "Mr. Bush, Tear Down That Wall." Perhaps here my wish is fulfilled.

Thanks, Scott! You're a Valentine with a Heart of Gold!

(there seems to be a typography problem. Blogger just changed its format so guess there was a change that I'm unable to figure out. Am having all kinds of technical difficulties so shouldn't hit that publish button but....).

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