Out the Comet's Ass

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Sunday, December 27, 2009

"I Can't Fly This Plane"

OMG! I was reading about the guy who tried to blow up the Northwest Airplane and found this Twitter page, Basilsblog.

Don't know how long this Tweet will be on there, but it's priceless.
Terrorists try to blow up U.S. airplanes. So they throw Ivana Trump off a flight? http://bit.ly/6J6yjb
Yesterday (or day before) Ivana Trump was escorted off an airplane for yelling at some unruly kids. She's supposedly going through a divorce.

Just noticed that both Ivana and the Terrorist have Aries North Nodes which are ruled by Mars. Their natal Mars are also in the same sign, Pisces. Can't really find much else in common, although I didn't look too hard.



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