Out the Comet's Ass

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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Young Actress Brittany Murphy Passes Away

Hope this isn't disrespectful, or basically just too premature an interpretation, but 32 year old Brittany Murphy apparently had a heart attack this morning and died. I always found her to be a bit more striking than most of the young actresses. That makes sense, of course, because Brittany was a magnetic double Scorpio with Pluto conjunct natal North Node at 14-16 degrees Libra. I don't have a birth time for her so don't have the complete horoscope.

Brittany Murphy

b. Nov. 10, 1977 Atlanta, GA

Sun 19 Scorpio; Moon Scorpio; NN 14 Libra

You sort of expect anyone with Scorpio and Scorpio's ruler, Pluto, prominent in their charts to have more crises going on in their lives than the average person. Pluto rules Sex, Death and Taxes, and most ideas that are difficult to articulate....

The Wikipedia entry about Murphy show a typical super stressful Plutonian lifestyle. Her parents divorced when she was 2 years old. Her Father is a convicted "mobster." Her Mother was diagnosed with Breast Cancer when Murphy was 15 years. Murphy got her first acting job when she was 14 and needless to say realized a very successful career in singing and acting from an early age. She was probably a very focused, determined person with a strong drive.

Because of my studies with Planetary Return Cycles I was immediately attracted to the fact that Murphy was 2 years old when her parents divorced. According to my studies this hooks her into Mars energy throughout her life. That describes boldness, youthfulness, being first, impulsiveness, creativity, and all other Mars characteristics. I'm finding for now that these kids often blame themselves for their parents' divorce.

So I thought I would check out just Mars in Murphy's chart to see if it could bring any sense as to why she would die young and unexpectantly. Murphy's natal Mars is heavily afflicted in her natal chart. It is apex of a t-square to an opposition of Venus 1 Scorpio to Chiron 3 Taurus. It is also squaring her natal Uranus Scorpio and possibly her Moon. These three planets working together rule unexpected events. Murphy died of a heart attack and her natal Mars is Leo which is the sign that rules the heart.

I don't know what her Rising Sign was so I can only wonder if any of these planets are ruling her Ascendant which describes her physical body. This could further explain her death, as well as her 4th, 8th and 12th house rulers.

The Mars problems continue in Murphy's chart. They seem to have been piling up on each other through the progressed chart and solar return charts.

She had just celebrated both a Solar Return in and was in the middle of an abnormally long Mars Return. And Mars is going through a very long transit through the sign of Leo just now. It just stationed Retrograde so was promising a long stressful square to her natal Scorpio planets.

Transiting Mars is also mirroring her Progressed Mars which has just stationed direct in Leo as well at 12 degrees. That means that both transiting and progressed Mars are stationing on or close to her natal Mars. And this, according to me and my work with cycles, would be a soft spot for self awareness due to the early trauma at age 2 (1st Mars Return).

The transits just keep piling up here. Today the Moon was opposing Brittany's natal, transiting, progressed Marses and moving into conjunction with transiting Chiron (woundings). These are in close sextile/trine with her natal Pluto/North Node (Fate-Destiny) in Libra.

Her most recent Solar Return (Nov. 10) and Lunar Return charts (Dec. 12) also show Mars in stress aspects as it is opposing Jupiter and squared by Moon (both transiting). There are many more indicators going on in this chart. I sort of wonder if malnutrition due to Anorexia is not involved. Jupiter in Cancer Rx is lead planet of a bowl shape chart. Sagittarius and Cancer combo's can often underlie Anorexia when combined with a chart that otherwise shows a lot of self control and reserve. All those Scorpio planets would show a controlled temperament which would express through self-denial, as well as a compulsive personality of some sort.

I send my condolences to Murphy's family and friends.

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