Out the Comet's Ass

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Friday, October 22, 2010

Fire in the Water Events

In the car this morning the news was spewing with the current astrological aspects. Currently there is a Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Pisces, both retrograde. And Mercury is conjunct Venus Rx in Scorpio. And Mars is in Scorpio as well.

First off a Cholera Epidemic has started in Haiti, although it seems that it's not in the areas which seemed most likely to be affected by last January's earthquake. About 140 people have died in the past 2 days. The Moon today is in Aries. That makes for a fire water influence. Sure does indicate diarrhea and dehydration.

And San Jose has broken ground for a new waste water treatment facility that recycles waste water. Seems like Plutonian thing. Would have liked to have seen a couple more planets in Virgo for this event, though, in order to think that maybe the outcome will be related to Health.

Also, the Wikileaks website has disclosed many more military documents about all the screw-ups by the U.S. Military in the war in Afghanistan. Scorpio rules spying. Neptune probably does too. The official date for the disclosure was supposed to be at 10:00 am tomorrow morning (Oct. 23) somewhere in Europe. That's 5:00 am Washington Time. Puts Mars right on the H3 cusp. And Sun right at first degree Scorpio in H2. Maybe this will keep the markets from tanking next week. The news for the Stock Market seems very good, especially the Tech Stocks (run by Democrats).

Boy, the folks born at the end of Aquarius must sure be burning out by now with that conjunction of Neptune to Chiron on their Suns.

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