Out the Comet's Ass

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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Comparison: Gabrielle Giffords and Anna Lindh

In my hasty reading of Gabrielle Giffords I don't think I even noticed that Mars is squaring Uranus as well as Chiron (Uranus opposes Chiron). This square is exact to the degree and can be an indicator of accident proneness or even violence of a shocking nature. After I read other peoples' interpretations I remembered the chart of another prominent female politician in Sweden who was assassinated, Anna Lindh a while back. I remembered she had a Mars-Uranus aspect of some sort. Turns out there are a number of connections between the charts of Gabrielle Giffords and Anna Lindh.

Both women were attached during times when they had no security. I wonder if this can be somehow read in to their Mars-Uranus and Mercury-Saturn connections. Women with Mars in Cancer have to be more careful than others in this regard (my opinion).

Both are Gemini Suns.
Both have Venus and Mars in Cancer.
Giffords has Mars square Uranus. Lindh had Mars conjunct Uranus
Giffords has Mercury conjunct Saturn. Lindh had Mercury opposing Saturn.
Both have Venus out of bounds. Giffords has Mars out of bounds as well, not Lindh.

The date of Sept. 10 and Sept. 11 come up in both assasinations.

Anna Lindh was stabbed on Sept. 10 2003 and died from her wounds on Sept. 11, 2003.

Gabrielle Giffords was shot by a man who was born on Sept. 10. Much has been noted about the little 9 year old girl in the crowd who was murdered. Christina Green was born on Sept. 11, 2001.

Anna Lindh
b. June 19, 1957 Enskede, Sweden

Sun 28 Gemini; Moon Pisces; NN 18 Scorpio

died. Sept. 11, 2003

Gabrielle Giffords
b. June 8, 1970

Sun 18 Gemini; Moon Leo; NN 7 Pisces

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